Page #2

Inventions- http:
1. The "Box" Telephone was invented in 1876 by Alexander Graham Bell (1847-1922) Back then, the telephone was a new thing and wasn�t used a lot. Now, the telephone is used everyday.
2.  The Light Bulb was invented in 1880 by Thomas Edison (1847-1931) The light bulb was very important and a cherished. Now, the light bulb is taken for granted.
3. Telegraph Register Patent Model, patented May 1, 1849, patent number 6,420, by Samuel F. B.Morse (1791-1872)
4. Morse Telegraph Key, 1844-45, with improvements by Alfred Vail (1807-59) to the original invented by Samuel F. B. Morse (1791-1872)

3) Immigrants:   Effect of immigrants on society, both positive and negative

Positive:  Immigrants were often leaving bad conditions, so they worked hard and wanted to do well.  They had a lot of energy. They came from all different cultures, and so they brought new culture into the U.S.  This meant new food, new music, like klezmer music, and new languages.  They started benevolent societies to take care of each other.

Negative:  Immigrants sometimes took away jobs that other people in the U.S. had because immigrants would work cheaply.  Because they were so poor, they spread more disease because they couldn't afford medicine.  Immigrants often had lots of children and it cost a lot to build schools for all the children, especially to teach them all English.
Jane Addams
Granvill T. Woods
Lewis Latimer
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