**"In the few spare moments I had during those days of Hell and Fire, my thoughts strayed to all those who had been touched by the Shadows, those who had been in this from nearly the beginning. The programs of resistance initiated by General William Hague never really achieved their end goals, but they produced, as a result, two very key elements, myself, and a man I have a great deal to thank for, a man who went from near-death at the hands of the Shadows to being the first human Commander of the most advanced fleet ever constructed. Now, during the heart of the crisis, you all know who commanded that Fleet...but I have never, EVER forgotten who commanded the White Star Fleet when Delenn and I were busy on other matters...none of us should. And if I have my way, we will find a way to thank him, a way that no one now alive will ever miss."**

        - Part of an address by President John Sheridan to the Interstellar Alliance delegates in Tuzanor, Minbar, early in the Earth Year 2263

* * *

        Dec 5th, 2260. Minbar system.

        "Practice complete."

        "Squadrons, form on our point!!" William commanded, his gaze harsh and unforgiving. Behind him, Talion busied himself with operations duties, his gaze anywhere but on his commander, while beside, Jennifer sighed, and shook her head. He was being far too hard on himself, but on this simulation, things had not gone as well as usual.

        The simulation, by itself, had been impressive, but perhaps a little too realistic. The sensor curtains in the Fleet had been programmed to show the attack of a squadron of nine Shadow warships on the Minbar system, and damnitall, it *had* looked REAL enough to make even her look twice!!

        White Stars targeted by those virtual enemies appeared, to the rest, to explode, while, of course, nothing of the sort happened, the ships in question merely being ordered to leave the field of battle and stand down. Four White Stars had, however, nearly collided during the mock battle, and a quarter of the Fleet had ended up as 'kills' before the enemies had either been killed themselves or driven off...now that they knew, from Captain Sheridan's test the previous month, that the Shadows WERE willing to back off under certain conditions. William, of course, still wanted to believe that they could do better, and as such, this would not be the last time they performed this run, or one very much like it.

        "Message incoming from White Star Three." Talion announced.

        "Accept!" William barked, and rose to his feet as Vikotal's stern face appeared. "It would appear, Vikotal, that we have let our followers imaginations and fears get away from them with this simulation."

        "Agreed, William; it is most distressing to see this, but we cannot, at this stage, allow ourselves to drop back to a lower level of practice. The Val'na'e MUST understand what it is to be in combat against the Enemy, there is no other way!"


        Both William and Vikotal turned to face her. "You have a comment, Val'na?" Vikotal inquired.

        "Yes; would it, perhaps, be feasible for us to back off on the NUMBER of enemy attackers a little? In the simulation we just performed, the number of Shadow cruisers attacking the Fleet was greater in number then ANY group we have seen thus far!! If you are going to install some confidence in your ship commanders, we need SOME successes in practice without too many kills!"

        "The suggestion she makes, William, is a just one."

        William scowled. "I very much doubt, Vikotal, that the Shadows themselves will be so lenient."

        "True; but if they possess no confidence in this, then all the gains we have made, and all the technology we possess, will not be enough."

        William nodded curtly. "So be it; White Star Four OUT."

        He was in a bad enough mood, she noted, that nothing was said between them; instead, the Fleet simply began the next practice. But all the practice and simulated Shadow vessels in the computer would be no replacement for the reality almost upon them...sooner, rather then later, their new Entil'zha would summon them to do Sheridan's bidding...and then...then it would be for REAL.

* * *

        Tuzanor. Near the chambers of the Anla'shok Council.

        "I don't like this at all.." Julia complained, as her and Dreann proceeded across the bustling Ranger compound. "William, Jennifer and the rest are away, and if my Mistress had not ordered you to stay behind, Anla'shok Dreann, I would have had no one to accompany me on this business! I HATE mysteries!!"

        "Peace, Acolyte Tikopai.." Dreann replied, her smile devious. "The universe itself is one great mystery, from our viewpoint; we do not stop learning and solving such problems until we die. And as for this particular problem you possess, I would fear not; if the Council had summoned you to chide, they would certainly have summoned your Mistress, as well. Have no concern, I do not believe the news will be dire."

        They reached the Council chambers, and the two waiting Rangers, one Minbari, and one human, bowed as with a long grating sound, the portal split, and slid aside, revealing the airy spaces within. The faint sound of crystal chimes hung in the air, and in front of her, across the stone floor, sat the eight members of the Council; the ninth, of course, was missing; Ambassador, and now, Entil'zha Delenn, busy with her tasks on Babylon 5. Acting in her name was the Minbari Rathenn, who had stood at Sinclair's side the entire time he had been here, and once had been a member of the broken Grey Council. The council rose as she approached, and then smiled gravely as she bowed, Dreann off behind at a respectable distance.

        Without a sound, without a word, Julia knelt before, them, then, and began to speak. "As you have commanded, in Valen's name, I have come; not to beseech, not for I, alone, but in the name of our purpose. As my Mistress would, command me as you must."

        Rathenn nodded, and smiled slightly. "Acolyte Tikopai; an enviable response, and well said. It is our belief, and I note, the Entil'zha's as well, that you and Val'na Clifford have established something valuable to us, and while you are not, as yet, Anla'shok yourself, for that will have to wait on age and experience, you have strived greatly to obey our code and ways in all things.

        As such, the Entil'zha, in her wisdom, learned that you have earned the right to wear what you do, and yet, not the right to wear what you will, in due course." Rathenn's gaze slid across the Rangers in the chamber, and most noticably, their badges. "This does not mean, however, that you should not be recognized; approach."

        Julia followed Rathenn, her heart thumping, to a small side table, where awaited several robed Minbari. "As you know..." Rathenn reminded her, "Each Ranger's sigil is cooled, after it is made, in holy water, the blood of Minbari, and the blood of the wearer. However, it is...noticable that you, Val'na Clifford and the still troubled Alkanion Verah are the only Observers currently known; as such, the ritual may be...altered slightly."

        "Know your courage." Dreann reminded her from behind, a shadow in the darkness. "This is who you are; embrace it."

        The drawing of blood was near painless, and Julia waited patiently, as the process was completed, but then, Rathenn approached her once more, and opened his hand. "No more shall you stride alone, without sigil to identify you..all among the Anla'shok shall know you for what you are." She looked down, and nearly gasped out loud.

        In Rathenn's hand, there stood a three pointed star of jade, in a setting of silver, and enclosed in another circle of silver. The colours were similar to that she knew, but the style was COMPLETELY different. "You honour me..." she whispered.

        Rathenn smiled again. "You have earned it, young one; this is who you are, until the Anla'shok in you comes to the fore; embrace it."

* * *

        **Z-14 days**, 7 Dec 2260...Narhlak Station.

        "Do you have any idea," Deitrich asked his commodore, as they entered Narhlak's central dome in dress uniform, "What G'kael may be up to with this invitation??"

        "I have my suspicions, Commander..." Bethany replied, her smile slight. "'Tis the season, after all."

        "You've got to be kidding. We're in the middle of a war with a species out to get us all, and G'kael wants to have a feast??"

        "See for yourself, Commander!" the Narn in question announced, as he arrived around the corner, N'rothak in tow. "Throughout the fleets tonight, shuttles are arriving, carrying supplies saved for this purpose, or brought in from the outside with the help of certain...allies we both have." G'kael smiled, and gestured for them to follow. "I have read up on some of your customs, Commodore, and while they are just, learn one of ours.

        This time, last year, we of Narn had just suffered a cruel, unjust defeat at the hands of the Centauri, and those of the Fleet who survived came to this place, not knowing where it was, or how they would survive; they came, Commodore, because they had no OTHER hope, no other place to go, and so, I stood, as a candle shining in the night, to say this:

        'I am G'kael, former Spymaster of the Regime; I have faced the Centauri with cold eye; I have met the Shadows in battle, and with the blessing of G'quan, I have survived. Come to this place, and we shall start anew; rebuild your ships, and ready yourselves...for the time will come when the Centauri will suffer for the bargains they have made...and then, Narn will once again be FREE.'

        And they came; one by one, with Na'kal and his warship, the last. They came, and rebuilt, and we found ourselves forging a place from which hope could grow. Then, Commodore, the same happened to you; Earth fell under the hands of a tyrant, and those who obeyed him drove you out with flame and sword...drove you to this place, from which hope can grow again. And it does, indeed!...for you see, tonight, we celebrate hope, we celebrate the fact that we are alive, we celebrate our FREEDOM!"

        Deitrich smiled, as, at last, they arrived at table, to find candles and food laid out; meat, and vegtables, and dishes of both Narn and Earth. "G'kael...you do understand that we of Earth have a similar yearly celebration, coming shortly, do you not?"

        G'kael waved his hands irritably as they sat down. "Pah! Yes, I know of this 'Christmas' of yours, and if you wish, Commander, I will join you for another meal on that day, as well...but for now, we celebrate realities, do we not?"

        The two human officers could not help but agree.

* * *

        "Enough is enough...it is time; there is only so much practice we can do, and it is becoming VERY clear that the herding of innocents into Sector 83 is nearly concluded!!"

        A smile. "The Entil'zha concurs, Sha'vei. Shall we send the message?"

* * *

        Babylon 5, the Quarters of Ambassador 'Kosh'.

        He that now called himself Kosh turned, his thoughts darkly amused. One of the things that his predecessor and companion had been right about was now coming to pass; the leader of this place, the one named Sheridan, had finally shown himself, in recent times, to be a nexus. Upon their arrival, his ship had recognized Sheridan as such, even though that human had not understood the meaning of the message. Of course, Sheridan had also figured out how to bring others of the younger races together in a common goal, first protecting the station, then going on a brief offensive against Chaos itself. The Many had been pleased with that outcome, and now, movements were taking place that would shortly bring Sheridan and his followers into conflict with Chaos once again.

        He was certain, this time, between the nexus of Sheridan and the lesser nexi of those that called themselves Delenn, Westcastle and Clifford, that Chaos could be driven away for good.

        Then, ULTIMATE Order would prevail, at last.

        The door opened, and one came in, like the other, but not. In recent times, she had, at his order, shorn off most of her precious cranial growth; he would yet break her of her rebellious streak...once that occurred, the human that called herself Brianna Tolmanes would be as useful to him as the other, the willing one named Lyta Alexander. He paused, and waited; this was her first visit since he had come here, what rebelliousness would emerge, this time?

        "How could you do this? You're not HIM, you don't belong here!"

        Of course. **Your questions are irrevelant, your concerns are not ours**

        "The people in this place, the people who are doing all of the work for you, do not deserve your callousness. I refuse to call you by his name, that is not what you are!"

        **We are ALL Kosh**

        "No, you're not." The human turned away, and His amusement slowly shrank to anger once again. For such a useful race, these humans were, sometimes, far too independent for their own good, and once again, it was time to Him to instruct her in the proper manner of observances...

        She knew what was coming, that was obvious, and yet did not move herself aside, or even look, as He sent a bolt of electric fire into her back. She fell to the deck with a cry, and He advanced, to loom over her. **You serve US, do not question OUR actions.**

        She rose to her feet, and turned to face him once more. He noted, with slight displeasure, that the rebelliousness was once again hidden behind an expressionless mask, but so be it. "As you wish, Master; I am ready to return to you what is yours."

        **Yes** He allowed his encounter suit to open, and in a flood of memories, the fragment of Him returned, along with all the memories of His time in her.

        She hated him now, of course.

        He did not care. She was nothing more, and nothing less, then a tool.

        Something that the other named Lyta Alexander would learn, in due course.

* * *


        "She did well, you know. Her actions before the Council have shown them her honourable nature, and in due course, I believe that she will become one of the finest Anla'shok we have ever seen, finer still, perhaps, then you and William."

        "Valen willing, Dreann, we will live to see that day."

        "Indeed; do you know what William's intentions are?"

        "In regards to what?"

        "Whether or not he will let you join him at the battle in Sector 83."

        "I don't know.." was the somber reply. "But I have my suspicions; I'll give him hell if he tries it, but he's the almighty Sha'vei, and as such..."

        "We are all beholden to him, Jennifer; if he commands you to stay here for your own safety, then you must. Then, there is the problem of your young acolyte; if you should die, who then, should instruct her?"

        A sigh. "I don't know, but regardless, within the next twenty four hours, we'll find out the answer to all those questions, won't we?"

* * *

        "Will you let her come?"

        "This is my fight, Vikotal..I have waited so VERY long to take the battle to the Enemy, and I have, as a given, the obligation to keep her safe. I love her, and I won't, despite her training, put her in danger unless I have to."

        "She will not be happy about this."

        "No, but we all have to make some sacrifices..."

* * *

        To be continued...

* * *

        Next: "Masters, Servants and Warriors" concludes with a fateful, dark decision, and an equally fateful meeting that will mark the start of the Armageddon ahead...coming soon.


        **"Fear the pause that leads to fire, fear the love that carries on, fear betrayal, in the night, fear the faith of living gone. Find the place of standing made, make the chase to save what must, run the run of torture made, and fight the fight of endless trust..."**

        - From the Book of the Observer

* * *

        **Z-13 days**, 8 Dec 2260. Z'ha'dum.

        "Your time is up, boy." Justin dourly announced, his pipe producing its usual wreath of smoke. "And you are not the only one, I'm afraid, so put that expression off your face! Our associates have, over the last little while, begun to grow more and more concerned about the two nexuses developing among the Younger Worlds. As if Sheridan wasn't bad enough with getting all those races to work together, there's that DAMN fool Westcastle, as well. To think that we nearly had him, and now, NOW he's put his efforts to commanding that *damn* Ranger White Star Fleet. Damn the Vorlons and their interference!!"

        Walther sighed. More then a year ago, Justin and Morden had warned him that this time was coming, but in the time since, all the exhilarating missions working for the Dark Circle, he had put those thoughts aside. Now, however, it seemed that the problem of his former operations officer was about to be tossed in his lap..


        "I will make this very clear for you, Walther...very clear indeed." Justin continued. "Sheridan and Westcastle must be stopped, and in order to stop them, we must bring them HERE, to this place, so that we may try and convince them of their errors, and, if that does not work, for our associates to subvert them. Now, we have a way of bringing Sheridan here, but think on this...how do we get Westcastle to come here, as well??"

        The thought came immediately...a thought of pain that he should have to do this to her, his former fighter group leader, but she had chosen the same path as Westcastle...and so, was now expendable. "Jennifer Clifford, Justin; she is Westcastle's weak link. Through his love for her, through the weakest emotion humanity is laiden with, we will be able to draw him to Z'ha'dum, and then, if necessary, destroy them both."

        "Hmm.." Justin mused, his scowl deep. "But she is always at his side.."

        "Not necessarily. Our associates are even now preparing to make their way to destroy the innocents in Sector 83, and we know very well what Sheridan's response will be to this; he will move to engage our associate's fleet, and as a result, Westcastle and his White Stars will be there, as well. It is my opinion that Westcastle will leave his lady love behind for this battle, to keep her 'safe'...as such, it is an ideal oppurtunity for us to take; IF we can utilize the example of stealth technology we have taken from the Cha'hal'zhamon, then we can land on Minbar *itself*, and carry out this task."

        "Very well.." Justin warned, "But ensure you leave enough clues behind for Westcastle to take the hint that if he wishes to 'save' her, he has no choice but to come here."

        Walther nodded, his smile sincere, and dark. "Have no fear of that, Justin; when next you and the Circle see me, Amilia and I shall have added another Observer to our associates’ collection..."

* * *

        **Z-12 days**, 9 Dec 2260...Minbar. The night before the Departure of the Fleet.

        "You're not going to let me go, are you?" Jennifer demanded, as William stood on the balcony, and gazed out on the expanse of the Ranger compound. "After all we've been through together, from Nighthawk, to Narn, and out the back end of beyond...this time, when we're finally going to engage the Shadows directly, you won't let me go."

        "I'm sorry." William burst out, his face showing the frustration of not wanting to say what he was saying. "But that's just the way it has to be, this time! I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if you were killed out there, through one of US making a mistake that wasn't covered in the simulations. And if I lived, and you died..."

        "Save it, Will; I don't want to argue with you." And Jennie sealed that comment with a small kiss, that, as usual, threatened to become a larger one, "Not this night. You're right, I just didn't want to admit it...and maybe, next time, I won't be so lenient. But this time, you have to prove that you can do what we're supposed to, and since you have to concentrate on guidng the fleet in Battle, I'd just be in the way."

        William sighed. "Thank you for being so understanding."

        "Thank me properly." She suggested.

        William smiled.

* * *

        Beneath a row of burning candles, Julia reclined in her bed, pen in hand, and wrote.

        'This, then, is the edge of what we see, an abyss beyond which no vision is possible. Tomorrow, the White Star Fleet goes to war for the first time, a war we may not win, a war that has already killed millions and stands to kill billions more if we don't fight to prevent it. William goes to fight the fight that is his destiny, while Jennifer and I stand behind, and watch, and wait..and hope that he succeeds. If he does not, I pray that he at least lives through what is to come, I don't know what will happen if he doesn't...'

        Julia paused for a moment, then nodded, and after closing her book, blew the candles out in one, long breath.

* * *

        **Z-10 days**, 11 Dec 2260; Deep Space...the Rendezvous point.

        The lonely transfer gate rode quite alone in the emptiness, its tasks few and far between in this age of darkness and war. And then, quite suddenly, it wasn't alone, and with only the slightest shudder, itself was called into action, as first singly, and then in threes, and then in their dozens, the might of the White Star Fleet dropped back into realspace, and in short order, arrayed itself in a formation that was kilometers across. From the Bridge of White Star Four, William nodded in satisfaction; now that the endless practices had ended, the Fleet had tightened its movements considerably. He checked the time, and nodded. They had arrived slightly before the time the Entil'zha had indicated, and as such, a state of slight relaxation was announced.

        A few short hours passed, and then, the transfer gate came alive once more, and spat out one ship; a ship that had served, already, far beyond the call of duty, the ship of war that had the honor to be called White Star ONE. William knew, without checking, who would be aboard, and he hoped the response received would be as the Entil'zha had wished..

        The invitation he received to come aboard shortly thereafter only served to confirm this.

* * *

        A short time later...

        "Was he surprised to see you?" Talion inquired, as William resumed his position at the Captain's station.

        "No; in fact, it seems that the Entil'zha mentioned that Vikotal and I were serving beneath them in this capacity, quite recently. The Captain and I discussed a few things, and that was that." William sighed, as around them, the Fleet began to get underway. "We pass as ships in the night, Talion, the Commanders and the lesser Lights; but all we do is important, all we are is bent towards the only option left open to us now...

        Victory. This war has reached the point now, Talion, where it's either us, or them. And if it's them.." William left it hanging, and Talion quickly got the point.

        "I see, Sha'vei....Fleet standing by on your orders."

        William nodded, now all business, and raised his hand. "Those assigned to our command, form up on our wing, the remainder, form up on White Star Three for the return trip to Minbar."

        The rearrangement quickly took place, and then, it was time; William gazed into the night with determination, all decisions made. The commitment had been made; they would follow Sheridan and his fleet into Sector 83, into the Fire, into battle, and into death, because there was no other way.

        Because the Shadows had left them no other option.

        "Anla'shok Quintara; activate forward jump engines..."

        "Jump engines online."


        With lethal grace, the White Star Fleet split, turned in two directions, and vanished from space-time. For several moments thereafter, space was calm, and then, in a small, but critical location, shimmered aside to reveal a black, mottled sphere in space. Within the sphere, Walther smiled, and nodded. All was going according to plan.

        William Westcastle would come to Z'ha'dum.

        Or the woman he loved would tragically, terribly...


* * *

        To be (definitely) continued, in the next to last part of 'Dark Circle', entitled, quite understandably, 'In Fire, Ascendant', in which William guides his squadron through the hell of the Battle of Sector 83, and Walther moves to kidnap Jennifer from the surface of Minbar. Coming VERY soon...

* * *

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