**"By the last month of 2259, things which had been developing for some time finally began coming to a head. The cycle of preparation was nearly over, and this was no more clearly seen then in the signing of a non-agression pact with the Centauri, who were, at that point, flush with their 'victory' over the Narn, given the chance to dream dreams of empire once again...and, as is now seen, for the final time.

        Meanwhile, the commanders of the scant beginning to what would later be called the White Star Fleet...that armada of tiny, powerful starships that would prove so necessary to the battles awaiting the Army, would take those ships where they had to...John Sheridan's (then, of course, the commander of Babylon 5), climactic first strike against the Shadow Forces at Zagros 7 in the early days of 2260 using the first White Star prototype is only one example, and..."**

        From "Holding the Line."

* * *

        Dec 2nd, 2259. Babylon 5; The Garden.

        The destination was clear, but the path William took to that destination was arbitrary. All around him, the business of Babylon 5's evening rotations continued; human businessmen and lovers at dinner, alien races about their inscrutable business. He gazed up, and as usual, kept a firm hand on the vertigo-inducing panorama of his surroundings. Far overhead, the core shuttle fled dockwards along its track, and beyond, the thousands of twinkling lights of surface trains, businesses and the odd home to powerful men blazed back at him through the twilight dimness. Everything had changed, and nothing had, since the last time he had gazed at this panorama, eleven months before. Walther had still been with them, the Rangers a far-off unknown, their course unclear. And now that he was finally at peace with his soul, past and present, the future awaited.

        The Rangers now stood in their multitudes, and went about their business, unafraid of what was, preparing for what was coming. He touched one finger to the brilliant jade crystal of his insignia, and nodded, as his destination grew near. It was long since time that a closure was arrived at in this particular matter of honour.

        A figure stood there waiting for him, a figure that he of course recognized, if not yet as a friend, then as someone who now knew the truth of these matters more closely...he strode around the final barrier, and into the rock garden.

        "Captain...it's good to see you again. Let me thank you in advance for your time this evening, I understand the strain your duties are imposing upon you with all that's going on."

        "It takes a *lot* to surprise me nowadays, Mr. Westcastle, but you just managed to do just that. Delenn didn't tell me that you had joined the Rangers."

        "No, sir. The Ambasssador knows a great many things, as you have already no doubt discovered, and this is just one. But in this, she was more then willing to keep my secret, until I believed that the time was right for us to meet again, face to face. I do apologize, sir, for the, shall we say, secretive nature of the message I sent to you earlier this year. But we are taking different paths towards the Storm that is coming...and when it finally breaks, I believe we will have reached the same place, but from different destinations. "

        A rueful nod. "It just isn't possible to put them out of our minds anymore, is it? They're waiting out there...plotting, manipulating, behind the scenes. And when the time comes..."

        "When the time comes, we will do what is right, Valen willing, and for the right reasons. And when we make our stand, sir, you and I, and that time *will* be coming, sooner or later, we will think back on this meeting, and what we have done to reach that spot, and we will nod, and say, 'perhaps, it was worth it after all. Perhaps, the choices we made were the right ones.'"

        "Perhaps." The Captain passed a crystal over to him. "You know what needs to be done with this, of course?"

        "Yes, sir...and thank you."

        "All right. While I do hate to cut this short..." the Captain rose, his gaze prudent, it was obvious that he had other places to be this evening...things could not be allowed to become *too* obvious, after all. "My duties never seem to leave me much time for conversation just lately. I'll put it plainly: The Rangers are lucky to have you working for them, Mr. Westcastle...very lucky, *indeed*."

        He nodded, a smile on his face. "I like to think so. Very well, then; until the next time we meet...Captain."

* * *

        Elsewhere...another meeting, another place;

* * *

        "He did not..*overly*...mistreat you, I trust?"

        "That all depends on how you define *mistreat*, Ambassador. Mr.Sebastian's... methods...are direct and to the point, perhaps to extremes. But I believe he always gets the results he wants, for good or for ill. And in this case, the results were clear. William and I are now closer to one another then ever before...and if the situation was right, then I believe William would lay down his life for me, or I for him."

        "*Perhaps* you are right, but results are sometimes not means to an end. It is not *right* for such as him to lay pain so...indiscrimantly...on those he tests, but all the same, it is what he is. And the concerns of those he works for are...valid."

        "The situation is grave, and I understand those concerns. But what may be more of a concern is that we see the Vorlons as all knowing, all powerful, and, most importantly, our teachings tell us that they do *good*. But how does one define good and evil, Ambassador?...in shades of gray, perhaps?"

        "Perhaps. We will need to think on this a great deal in the times to come."

        "Yes; a *great* deal."

        A movement. "Ambassador...Anla'shok."

        "Yes, Lennier?"

        "Forgive my interruption, but you asked me to inform you when the meeting that Anla'shok Westcastle requested with Captain Sheridan was concluded. That has now occured."

        "Thank you, Lennier." A calm, but pointed gaze. "You should not be gone when he returns."

        "I understand. Thank you for your...time, Ambassador."

        "No thanks are necessary." Another pause. "I once told your companion the same I will tell you now...you are valuable to us in ways we have not yet discovered...this will not be the last time we talk."

        She bowed. "That will be true, Valen willing."

        "Indeed. Lennier will show you out."

* * *
        And another...
* * *

        Brianna shivered in the darkness. Circles of light travelled back and forth across the floor she strode across, and that was all. *He* who had summoned her here was a unknown, a cypher. Ulkesh's song, for the first time she could remember, was muted enough to not affect her at all.

        She turned...the approaching presence was unmistakable.

        "Ambassador Kosh."


        "Why do you call me to this place?"

        ##The darkness, for now, lies within the crystal...you have come to this place, looking.##

        "For what?"

        ##This.##. The cowl of Kosh's encounter suit sprang open, and Brianna stood, bedazzled by the light within...

* * *

        Dec 4th, 2259.

        "Can't you *see* it?" Jennie demanded, as William stood nearby, his gaze inscrutable. "Earth is turning in upon itself, slowly but surely. It is only a matter of time until they ratify a non-agression pact with the Centauri..just *enough* to ensure that their borders are secure!! This.. Nightwatch is bad enough, but in the background...the borderland of chaos and maniacial choices is approaching...and will eat the Alliance alive.

        "Nightwatch." Brianna coolly intoned, her gaze piercing the air from the other side of the room. "Dangerous...things we have not seen for hundreds of years. But the Psi Corps is worse...*much* worse. They hold their places of power, and the places grow stronger as time goes on. The people of our Alliance will pay, in due course, and the end of the Innocence will be at hand."

        "*Surely* it won't get that bad, will it?" Talion demanded, his gaze pleading.

        "Believe what you will..." William finally commented, striding closer to the others as he did. "But the ladies are correct, Talion. You weren't where we were, almost a full year ago, to watch our hopes and our dreams fall into ashes, burned in the explosion of Earth Force One. An accident, he said; a 'terrible' accident. I don't believe it!...and I don't believe a word he says...Clark is a lying fool, and in the background, the Shadows, insidious, unseen, tighten their stranglehold about all of them.

        Nightwatch...Ministry of *Peace*...Ministry of *Truth? Does this sound like a democratic government to you? It sounds to *me* like a government about to go out of control, mad on its own power. And sooner or later, something will push Clark over the edge...and this Orwellian Nightmare will reach forth its hand to darken our skies."


        "Nineteen-Eighty-Four." Jennie muttered, throwing herself into a nearby seat. "George Orwell's most remembered creation, a society of utter control, where everyone watches everyone, and betrayal was forever around the corner. There were 'Ministries of Peace and Truth' in Orwell's vision, and it looks like Clark and his followers ripped that page clear out to use."

        "This place will suffer when that occurs."

        A smile touched William's lips...a grim smile. "You may be surprised on that score, about a *great* many things. I'm about to tell you something that must remain a secret, something that Jennie knows a little about, but the rest of you do not."


        "As far back as when I just met Jennie on Nighthawk, Captain Sheridan approached me through...discrete channels and revealed to me the existence of what you would call an underground network, a network devoted to collecting secrets. In recent months, I have learned that this network has spread even up into the Earthforce Joint Chiefs of Staff."

        "In Valen's Name, William!...if Clark attempts what you say he will, we may have a civil war on our hands!"

        William nodded, his eyes glinting darkly. "Almost certainly."

* * *

        Dec 5th, 2259.

        "Are you ready, Varanel?"

        "In Valen's Name, Tashann!...it is too soon!!"

        "The Entil'zha will not be pleased to hear this, as I'm sure you realize. The plan that has been underway for some time now must be followed, and sooner or later, the Shadows will give the Centauri cause to move against one of our installations. We must be ready before then, field trials *must* be conducted, and *one*, at least, must be ready for their use when that moment arrives. Therefore, I say again, are you ready?"

        A pause. "The *two* that exist to date are plagued with problems, Tashann, we must resolve these problems before that time comes. Very well, it will be as the Entil'zha requires...we will be at these coordinates in two standard days. Bring those you have told me of with you, and we will do what must be done."

        "We are pleased to hear this, Varanel. We will see you in due course."

* * *

        <Beep> "Val'na."

        Beside him, Jennie groaned, and turned one dangerous eye towards him. "Don't you *dare* get out of bed."

        He dared, and, of course, got a kick as a result.

        "Tashann...it's late, it's been a *long* day, and we've talked to far *too* many people today. I was more then ready to.."

        "I understand, Val'na, but the message we have been waiting for has come at last. We must leave this place tomorrow, for the coordinates provided to us by the Entil'zha. It is *time*...at *last*, it is time."

        "Well, I'll be..."

        "I see that you understand my comments, Val'na."


        Tashann inclined one eyebrow. "Until tomorrow, then...it *has* been a long day, as you say, and I will let you return to your...*rest*."

        The link cut, and William chuckled. You little...

        A long, pale arm wrapped around his waist, and he turned into Jennie's pointed gaze. "What's so funny, Mister Stalker?"

        "I'll tell you..." he promised. "Later."

* * *

        Dec 7th, 2259. Deep space.

        With a flare and a howl, the transfer gate irised open, and with the familiar slight twist, the transport dropped back into realspace.

        "Okay, so where are they?" William asked dryly, as behind the human Rangers, Tashann and Dreann gathered their gear.

        "Varanel assured me that he and the rest would be at the coordinates well ahead of the time projected for our arrival. They are here, and if we do not see them, then sooner or later..."

        "Right there..." Talion procliamed, his gaze wide, and almost joyful. "There *they* are!!"

        As one, the Rangers approached the viewport, and the smiles spread. "Oh my," Jennie breathed. "That's..."

        "Amazing." Brianna finished, her gaze equally awestruck.

        William nodded, not amazed, but proud at what hung before them. A beginning it was, but *what* a beginning!

* * *

        And what are *they*??? One guess....and the rest don't count! To be continued!

* * *

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