**"And so it was that William, myself and what I initially thought of as a barely controlled if rescued nightmare, left Babylon 5 for what amounted to the unknown. Up to this point, we thought that we had known exactly what was going on...that there could be no more surprises. Once again, we were to be proven exactly how wrong we could be about our assumptions.

        G'kael, Elric and others had told us to go to Minbar, implied it at first, and then just about shouted it out in our faces. Go to where you are needed!...where you can learn what you must from the *man* who can teach you. A human on Minbar, you say? But of course, we should have figured it out right from the start who that man would have to be.. all three of us had either been in Earthforce or had tried to get in...we should have known, and from that, gained an understanding of what was to come next.

        Regardless of all that I've just said, our arrival on Minbar was more then sufficient to open our eyes to the truth of what awaited us..."**

        From: "Storm Crossing: The Shadow War, and Other Responsibilities"

* * *

        Feb 22, 2259...

        A hand touched a comm toggle, and shortly therafter, a Minbari appeared on the screen. The Minbari's eyes widened briefly, and then he nodded. "So. I must assume that the effort you mentioned to me previously has succeeded, else this conversation would *not* be taking place."

        "Yes. These three *must* be able to reach Tunazor without delay...there is *every* indication that they are crucial to the success of what is to come. They *must* reach Sinclair; he will know what is to be done...in due course."

        "Understood...Satai. Valen himself was distinctly clear on certain matters that would need to be discussed only with a *very* select group. I must therefore assume that those Valen called the Stalker and the Watcher are on board the vessel... STARDANCER, currently onroute to Homeworld from Babylon 5?"

        "They are."

        A sigh. "Ominous portents...but we will do what we must, in Valen's Name."

* * *

        Mar 5th, 2259.  Minbar system.

        "About time..." William muttered, as the swirling blue radiance of the main gate to Minbar system snapped shut behind them. Over two weeks it had taken them to get here from Babylon 5...the route *had not* been direct, by any sense of the word, but the freighter, ancient design that she was, had to carefully ride the beacons from transfer gate to transfer gate...and nothing could stop her Captain from doing some trading and bargaining along the way.

        "Don't complain, lad!" Lyamn Mantrell barked, as Jen lifted herself out of the STARDANCER's copilot seat and drifted down towards him. "We're lucky we made it here at all, given the response I was *expecting* from the Minbari."

        "And what would that be, by any chance? A focussed beam of energy up your engine exhaust?"

        Mantrell grunted sourly, waved his hand, and turned away, while Will scowled. Jen shook her head. "You have to understand, Will...Lyamn and others of his generation have only too *good* a memory of the Earth-Minbari War. The closer we've come to Minbar, indeed, ever since we've passed into their territory, he's gotten glimpses of their warships, and it brings back bad memories. But he'll get us to where we need to be, and then...then, I guess he'll be gone back to Earth space as fast as he can manage."

        William nodded; it was an interesting problem with no apparent solution. It was true enough that the Minbari had surrendered at the Battle of the Line 11 years before, and now he had a much better idea of *why* that might have been then he had before. The faint memories were tugging him forward. The memories of a life not his...a Minbari life, ended in destruction and betrayal.

        "Jennifer!" Lyamn barked. "I have news."

        Together, they entered the cockpit, and gazed down upon the bluish-white pearl of the Minbari homeworld, slowly growing ahead of them as the STARDANCER dropped down into its allotted orbit. "What's up?"

        "Seems *someone* has been expecting you, lass, you and your friend here, and your...other companion." Lyamn's opinion of the for now reclusive telepath, Brianna Tolmanes, was far from high...he had never liked the idea of telepaths, or the Psi Corps, and rogues...well, for him, that was worse! "An atmospheric shuttle has been rerouted to take you down to their Capital...Yedor, I believe it is called."

        "How long?"

        "They say forty of *our* minutes to intercept...and then, I'm afraid, I must leave you again, Jennifer. I've fulfilled my end of the bargain, but this place, it..."

        "Shh, Lyamn...I *understand*! No need to explain. We're the ones that have to be here, not you...we have things to do that you wouldn't understand."

        "You're right, I don't understand...but ever since we met back on Babylon 5, I've seen the secrets in your eyes, lass...but I won't ask you for them, I'm a noble enough fellow in that regard. You and your man, here, you do what you have to...that's enough for me."

        She nodded sadly, at that; and couldn't help, all the same, but think that this might be the last time she would see him.

* * *

        All three of them gazed about in wonder. There had been few other humans in the shuttle...most of them had managed to look determined for some reason. Regardless of that fact, William found himself lost in a landscape both alien and familiar to him, in ways he couldn't put a finger on. All around them, the crystalline towers and airy, well constructed buildings of Yedor shone under the brilliant white Minbari sun. And what were they to do now? Where were they to go, if they had to find Ambassador Sinclair??

        "Excuse me...." a polite voice intruded, and as one, the three turned to see a tall Minbari approach. "You will have to forgive the delay, but we've been *very* busy this morning, and your arrival, while expected, caught us unprepared. Regardless of this, I have been given to understand that *you* are named William Westcastle, and *you*, Jennifer Clifford. My name is Tashann, and Ambassador Sinclair has sent me to convey you to his headquarters in the city of Tuzanor."

        "How is it..." Jennifer inquired, a frown of puzzlement on her face, "That we have been, as you say, expected? We sent no word ahead of us."

        "You did not...no." Tashann calmly replied.

        "I...see." Jennie raised one eyebrow, and looked in his direction, and he nodded. That was all the information he needed to know that Delenn, Minbari Ambassador to Babylon 5, and the individual who had contacted him in the Sancutary so many days before after the failed confrontation with Walther, had indeed sent word on ahead of their arrival.. "And although we're not quite sure why we *are* here, we knew that it was the right thing to do...and we have been given reason to expect that we would be meeting with Ambassador Sinclair."

        "As is your right. Follow me, if you would; the wait until your meeting with the Ambassador will not be a long one."

        "I don't like this..." Brianna whispered to him, as the Minbari lead them to a ground transport. "The one thing I remember is that Minbari will never lie to you...but they can twist the truth into a knot, and make you see things you would ordinarily never see. I swore to follow you wherever you went, but I don't *know* yet what I'm supposed to be doing here, William! You and Jennifer don't seem to share this tendency, so *maybe* you can help me out here!!"

        He sighed. "I'll do my best...but no promises. This whole situation with Sinclair and Minbar is tied to us somehow, but until we find out exactly what's going on, maybe it's best not to *jump* to conclusions about our hosts."

        "That's easy for you to say!" Brianna hissed. "You haven't been betrayed by those you once knew, by those you thought you trusted! *You* weren't used as a tool by those..."

        "Do not say that name in this place." Tashann cut in...not harshly, but to the point. "Once we reach Tuzanor, you will be given cause to discuss the situation with the Ambassador, but for now, Miss Tolmanes..I will not warn you again."

        "What *is* this?" Brianna pleaded to the air, but William gave her no answer. It would come down to someone explaining the situation to them soon enough...and he suspected that someone would be onetime Commander, and now Ambassador, Jeffrey Sinclair...a man he had been given reason to meet once before.

        But what the answer would *be* was another question entirely...

* * *

        The man sat alone in the room with two others; they would tell him all he needed to know...

        "So, an interesting combination. We have a former Earthforce Lieutenant Commander and his companion, a former Earthforce Lieutenant. A interesting combination of 'formers'...but then, I suspect they won't be the only ones to come to us before this is all over..but that is a matter to discuss another time. Then there is their companion...a initially weak, but now amplified, rogue telepath. The Shadows have displayed, from what we have been able to determine, an unusual amount of interest in this group. It is a given that they are a focal point in the struggle to come."

        "We have no doubt of that at the moment."

        "But that isn't the whole story, is it? Tell me more, Rathenn."

        "As you wish. It is clear that these three share many qualities that could be desired within the ranks of the Anla'shok. The male, Westcastle, is a born leader in more ways then one...it is apparent from our agent's communiques that like you, Sinclair, he may also share part of a Minbari soul...and a warrior's soul, at that. He has, it seems, dedicated himself to finding those who destroyed his commands...finding them, and stopping them from committing any further acts of violence against our races."

        "William Westcastle. I know the name, but I cannot place the face."

        Rathenn cleared his throat pointedly. "Then, we have the first female... Westcastle's companion. She is determined, able, and dedicated to standing at his side...a ideal combination for an aide to a warrior. She is clear on what has occured, and accepting...and more importantly, she is an Observer *born*. Once again, for reasons yet unclear, but clearly relative to her skills, the Vorlons have given *her* a name...they call her the Watcher.

        Finally, the most recent addition to their company...and the most dangerous. The first two rescued her from the hands of the Great Enemy. She has sworn to follow Westcastle in all that he does and wherever he goes. It is clear to me that if they are given guidance, this Three will act as One...a more powerful grouping we have yet to find in the human recruits that have joined the Anla'shok to date. Warrior, Watcher and Follower."

        "It is enough, Rathenn...more then enough. Tell Tashann to bring them to this office, and if you wouldn't mind, I would like to talk to them...


        Rathenn nodded. "It shall be as you say."

* * *

        "Please be seated."

        Jennie shook her head, still not quite believing that this was happening. Within a single year, she had been given reason to meet two of the most influential mid-level officers in Earthforce, the current commander of Babylon 5...and now, the former commander! Jeffrey Sinclair was just as pleasant in person as he had seemed in the few broadcasts she had seen in the past two years regarding Babylon 5. And now he was here...but things were *not* as expected, for Ambassador Sinclair, if he *was* stil* Ambassador, was now wearing *distinctly* non-Human clothes...indeed, they could be called Minbari; and seemed to share many tendencies with clothing she had seen on several Minbari and humans seen their arrival in Tuzanor.

        A lightbulb went on. Could this be some sort of uniform?? And if so...what organization was Sinclair a part of? Jennie abruptly dragged herself away from her thoughts...Sinclair was speaking, and it sounded relatively important.

        "I welcome you here today, and am glad to see that you have survived what has assailed you over the last few months. It's been a great struggle, and a long path...but you have succeeded in it, and that shows great resolve." Sinclair briefly met each of their gazes, and then went on. "You have come to this place, not knowing why you have come, but only that you had to. You were guided to it, showed the path, and eventually, you accepted that it was the right choice to make. To me, as leader of this organization, falls the task of explaining why you came, what you should be doing...and indeed, what has to come next, if you are to join with us...join with the Anla'shok, what you would call, the RANGERS."

        Of course! It only made sense that those mysterious *someones* who knew about the Shadows and their motives would have prepared a response to their return...Jennie listened on, now quite eagerly.

        "Firstly, and this applies most clearly to you, William Westcastle. We are not an instrument of revenge against those who have hurt you so badly. That is not the way we operate...those are not the actions we support. Those looking for revenge against the Shadows are not welcome here; we are, instead, dedicated to preventing further destruction, not wreaking it. The Enemy may destroy whole colonies and outposts without mercy, but that is not our way."

        Beside her, William had taken in all of it without pause, and just as quickly, nodded in reply, his eyes downcast. "I understand...sir." Sinclair raised his eyebrows, nodded in return, and then turned to her.

        "Secondly, as long as the Shadows operate on the fringes of galactic society, it will be necessary for us to have Rangers watching...waiting, collecting data on their movements, and going where others dare not. It is my understanding, Miss Clifford, that you have displayed an inherent talent for remembering, noting down, and catologing important discoveries, events, and happenings. This is also valuable to us, and we will use your talents without pause, should you feel it is right to join us at this time."

        "Yes, sir!"

        "Good. As members of the Rangers, you will be helping to preserve all that is and will be, and most importantly, life itself...even the lives of the Enemy, if possible...this goal comes to us from the writings of the Ranger's founder, the great Minbari leader, Valen. We are not looking to destroy the Enemy and his fleets, only to defeat his courses of action. We must never forget that they are living beings also, however distorted and evil they may appear.

        You will be taught to fight as soldiers, all of you...this training will serve to supplement what Earthforce gave to us all in its time of need. You will be taught to be the best at what you do, because a War is coming...a War that none of us want, but a War we cannot avoid because the Enemy will not have it any other way.

        But that is not all you will be taught; you will also be taught how to achieve our purposes without committing violent acts, and wherever possible, this will take precedence, even should you find yourselves in danger of losing your lives in the doing of your tasks." Sinclair stood, then, his gaze stern. "Should you feel that you are unable to follow this code of conduct, we will not stop you from leaving this place...but once you leave, you may never return.

        Miss Tolmanes...if you to be a member of the Rangers, will *you* have any problems with following these strictures?"

        Brianna jumped at being addressed directly, but then her gaze hardened. "With all due respect, sir...it is more complicated then that. May I have your permission to discuss what the Shadows did to me, with the others present...and how William and Jennifer saved me from the Darkness?"

        Okay, Jennie thought, here we go...maybe *now* we're finally going to hear the rest of Brianna's story...the part she hadn't wanted to tell them, at the time.

        Sinclair nodded. "Please proceed."

        "After I fell from the Academy, I fell for a long, long time...bitterness digs a deep hole in your soul if you let it get in, and I didn't even try to stop that from happening. I fell so far that the bitterness took over...and the Shadows, acting through a man I thought I knew and trusted, once, took that bitterness and pushed it over the edge into madness... the madness of chaos, of revenge and of murder.

        And then...William and Jennifer," Brianna quickly looked over at her, and smiled, and all a sudden, Jennie suddenly realized there could be no more then two sides in this war...they all had to be on the same side! "They acted to save me, and pulled be back to the side of Right, even though this caused them to once again face the Hells of their own pasts, their own trials!

        They acted to save me because it was *right*, sir!! And so, I tell you this: Yes, I *will* live by your code, I will do what must be done to stop the Shadows...to end the menace, to do the right thing and to use all of my resources to stop the Enemy, before it is too late for us all."

        There was a pause...and then Sinclair smiled. "Very well." Tashann, now dressed similarly to Sinclair in what she now assumed was the uniform of the Rangers, entered the room, and Sinclair nodded towards him. "You have more then convinced me that all of you will, once you have completed your training, be among the finest of the human Rangers. There is a Storm coming, but as long as you stand, as long as the Rangers stand against that storm, then our enemies will not be allowed to succeed in their aims.

        There is no other option open to us."

* * *

        William let out a great breath as they left Sinclair's office under Tashann's direction. It had gone well...in fact, it had gone better then it should have, and in his opinion, only Sinclair could have pulled it off the way that he had. Not only had he focused each of them on the primary roles they would be filling once they became Rangers, he had also acted to immediately make them part of the 'team.' William nodded to himself, his expression now pensive. Everyone would have to work together, or the Rangers would fail in their mission...that had been made *completely* clear to him.

        "Unbelievable!" Jennie exclaimed, as nearby, Tashann gazed at her with interest. "How long did you say you've been preparing for their return?"

        "One thousand years, Miss Clifford, since the great Valen saw fit to create us....one thousand years since the Great Enemy was last defeated in battle by the combined forces of the Armies of Light. We have waited and we have watched for their return, and now that the Shadows are back, the Anla'shok walks forth once again, to stand against them. I am greatly pleased that our leader saw fit to extend the invitation of entry to you; but then, I suppose, there was never really any doubt in the matter. You will do well. You will *all* do well.

        But for now, the process is barely begun. I will take you into the compound, show you where your quarters are, and for now, you will be allowed to rest and contemplate upon your choices in coming here and joining us. Tomorrow, however...tomorrow, the *real* training will begin."

* * *

        "Kind of them..." Jennie whispered, as she laid against Will's chest later that night, "For them to give us quarters big enough for two."

        "And a boon."

        "How so?"

        "Jen, you heard Sinclair. There's a War coming...a War that will more then likely make the Earth-Minbari War seem tiny by comparison. We have to take every moment we can, while we can. Because, one day...there might not be a *next* day, for any of us."

        At that, Jennie's head came up, her eyes sparkling with irritation. "Well...NOW you're just being morbid!"

        "Am I really? Sooner or later, the Rangers and all the other worlds will have to band together to face the Shadows, and then, there will be open war."

        "If you go on much longer...I'm going to get upset!!"

        He sighed; maybe, she was right. For now, it was best to ignore what was to come, and simply live for the moment...for now. "Guess I should stop, then."

        "Yes...you *should*."

        "And what would it take to get you back in a good mood?"

        Jennie smiled, and told him.

* * *

        It was not long before dawn, but Brianna had endured a long and mostly sleepless night. The Ranger Compound was still far more empty then she liked, and silent, and movements were few and far between at this hour. Throwing on a thick, deep gray cloak that had been provided by the Minbari Rangers, she moved out of the Barrack and onto the ledge outside, overlooking the valley below. The enormous snowy mountains around Tuzanor stood out against the starry sky and were partially illuminated by Minbar's smaller moon, now going down in the west. The wind caught at her hair, and she absently brushed it back.

        Today, Tashann had said, it would all begin. What 'it' consisted of he had neglected to inform them, only that they should be ready to rise with the sun and begin their training. Admittedly, it was currently *far* before that, but sleep had eluded her for hours now...

        And now...*something* was drawing her out. Causing her to look down on the valley of Sorrows, in the failing light of the setting moon. But what??

        Distracted as she was, she almost didn't catch the moving bulk of darkness approaching her, until it opened its single red iris eye...and then she whirled.



        Oh Hell. A *Vorlon*? "What do you..."

        "##Never ask that question##"

        O...kay. Brianna took a deep breath, *tried* not to look directly at the Vorlon, and started again. "I...did you call me?"



        "#You are the darkness born. You will be the second, not the first#" The Vorlon turned, and began to drift away.

        "What the *Hell's* that supposed to mean" she cried.

        The Vorlon twisted in mid glide, and its iris opened fully. " ##LEARN##!"

* * *

        The light bit its way through Brianna's eyelids, and she tried to force coherent thoughts through her mind. What was..

        "Brianna. Are you all right?"

        "Wha...Will?" She opened her eyes fully, and jumped off of the bench she'd been laying on. The sun was coming up over the eastern mountains....that meant she had lost at *least* three hours!! But, the Vorlon; it...

        Brianna found out, quite abruptly, that she couldn't say a word.

        "Yes, I'm fine."

        "Okay. Just seemed to be a bit of a strange place to sleep, to me."

        "You...sleep where you can once you've had my experiences, Will. But now that the sun has risen, Tashann will be waiting for us, will he not??"

        William nodded in reply, saying nothing. "Then maybe we should get something to eat..." she replied, forcing a smile onto her face. "It's going to be a *long* day."

* * *

        Elsewhere, Ulkesh Naranek observed the compound silently...and unseen. It had begun.

* * *

   :     Next: It is the end of March 2259, and the long hand of the Shadows is about to descend across the length of the Galaxy. While Westcastle, Jennie and Brianna train themselves in the ways of the Rangers, the growing Narn-Centauri conflict finally touches the lives of G'kael and his crew...in a rather unpleasant way.

* * *

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