Writer's note: This part brings to a close the first cycle of DARK CIRCLE, and finally, the story has reached the point where the truth of William Westcastle's main role in the hostilities still to come is finally revealed. For those who have followed this saga from the very beginning, the long setup is about to pay off in a big way, ie, the time is coming when the Shadow War explodes in all its dark glory; and the view from the trenches is NOT the view the Generals get.

The quotes show that that William, Jennie, Julia and Brianna all survive the war, but the end does not the path make...to paraphrase JMS, war is Hell, and not everyone survives, no matter how much we, or the characters, want them to...


        **"Sooner or later, I was going to advance the situation, but I had no idea when the right moment would be. We had been together for almost a year and a half by that point, and it seemed that there might actually be time to make it happen, if the Shadows didn't kill off everybody before then. The tempestousness of early love had passed, and settled into a stability some thought we must have been insane to accomplish, amidst the clouds of war...

        In some respects...I guess they were right to think us crazy...but until the Entil'zha summoned us to Minbar, it was easy to hope things would remain calm for a little while; instead, everything began changing very quickly after that...

        Both for the better, and for the worse."**

        - From the Remembrances Log of William Westcastle, Late 2261

* * *

        May 19th, 2260. The Valley of Sorrows.

        A faint whistle played through the air over the plateaus and mountains of Tuzanor, and Durhan smiled, easily picking out the approaching dot of the orbit-to-ground flyer. The Entil'zha had requested him to meet those who came... ordinarily, this would not have been the case, but this was a special situation; the only human to attain Sha'vei status among the Anla'shok thus far, and, more importantly, the Sha'vei of Babylon 5, he who served beneath Delenn, was onboard that crat. And while he was the first, there would certainly be more in the times to come; but, more importantly, the others that made up his One, had come as well, for their own reasons...and, one other.

        The Entil'zha had been most insistent about her; for some reason, this child was as important as the rest; Durhan found this hard to credit, but he would reserve judgement until actually meeting the girl, for now.

        The flyer gently alighted on the landing pad, and almost instantly, the passengers began to emerge. First to step onto Minbar soil was Westcastle himself, his beard trimmed and hair cropped back, as always, close to the skull; then, his companion, the Observer, next, the Vorlon's assistant and finally...

        Durhan nodded in interest; this human child was, by all reports, barely more then thirteen, yet appeared several cycles more mature then that, at least, and, in addition, she wore the uniform that had been approved for her purpose; not yet Ranger, yet not what she had been...for now, Acolyte to the Observer, and an Observer to come in due course.

        "Durhan!" He looked up, and met the challenging smile of one of his best pupils. As always, the denn'bok hung ready at her side, and she had, he understood, found need to use it in Babylon 5's recent secession incident, in a fashion he could not but call honorable to that place. "You are well??"

        "As well as can be expected, given the strains on my time, Val'na Clifford. But things progress...the compound is fully utilized as we enter the final phase leading up to conflict; permit me, however, to redirect our conversation; my interest, quite understandably, for now lies with your new, and youthful companion."

        "The Vorlons brought her to us, Durhan, and while I do not know if she has a chance of becoming as skilled as I in the arts of defense, it is perhaps prudent that she receive the very best instruction from the start...that is, if you feel it is time?"

        "Do not rush her..." he cautioned, watching the girl look about with wonder. "If you do, she may lose heart, falter, and cease to be of use to you."

        Durhan watched her pause, regather her thoughts, and saw that she had already decided...perhaps, she merely wanted reassurances that the right choice was being made. "You taught me many of the things I know, Durhan, it is only right that you should continue until I'm smart enough to see the right things to do."

        "Ah! But that is my job, after all, is it not??"

* * *

        May 20th, 2260, dawn.

        This was the place, quite obviously; the description that Jennifer had passed on to her had been quite specific; the place of peace and power where her commanders had found their beginnings with the Rangers, the year before.

        So much had changed since then, for everybody, and for this place as well..the silence and solitude that Jennifer had described was missing from the compound, now...but even so, and, perhaps, an honour in so doing, this ledge behind the barracks had been retained as a place of solitude. William had mentioned the beauty and knowledge of observing the passing of night into day from this spot, something he had apparently done many times over the months on Minbar that had made him and the rest what they were today. And so, she had come, to see the silvery-gray light of dawn grow to fire over the mountains fringing the Valley of Sorrows; what it would bring her was unknown, however...

        It was evidently intended to be a surprise of sorts...but of what kind??

        And as for this hypothesized meeting with the mysterious master of the Rangers, the Entil'zha, she had no idea what to expect; William and Jennifer had told her little. She sat on one of the ringing stone benches, and tried to understand what little she knew...the Entil'zha was a human, Jeffrey Sinclair, who had, at one time, commanded Babylon 5, before being sent to this place...and making far more of the situation then the President had intended...

        But no one had indicated when the summons would come, and the Rangers she knew had vanished on secret, personal business, about which they would tell her nothing. And so, she drifted, from place to place, trying to take some of Tuzanor's mystery into herself...this was where the heart of the Anla'shok beat..but could she feel the pulse? She closed her eyes, and opened her senses; the wind against her skin...the distant -clack- of sunrise combat practices... the sharp smell of the trees...

        "I see that you are open enough to take the advice you were given." a deep voice announced, and with a start, she snapped her eyes open...and jumped. The sun was now WELL above the Eastern mountains, and a tall, slightly greying man in Ranger browns stood nearby, his gaze calm and knowing. "It's a good start; this place means much to those you work with." The man turned towards her, and the images clicked in her mind...she leapt to her feet.

        "Entil'zha!!...forgive me, I didn't know you meant to meet me here!"

        "These things sometimes happen by themselves, if you let them; please... sit."

        "That wouldn't be proper, sir."

        "They start so young." the Entil'zha murmured...and then sat down himself. Julia felt her face burn, and took the hint. "A lesson to take to heart, is that there is time, too, for rest...in fact, you seemed to be doing quite well at that when I arrived."

        "I even surprised myself in that, sir; ever since I aligned myself under the tutelage of Val'na Clifford and the other Rangers on Babylon 5, I have had some...great difficulty in relaxing enough to make meditation of any sort possible. And yet, I come here, and..." She shook her head in wonder. "What is it about this place that should instil so much peace in the heart of conflict?"

        "A good question, as questions go, and less easily answered then you might believe; to do so, we must look at the history of the Minbari. Long ago, before the time of Valen, many Minbari died in this place; now, the City of Sorrows stands below to remind us of the remorse their families felt at the end of that battle: a place of beauty, and of understanding; but also, more importantly, for us, a place of learning."

        "I see, sir. Thank you for telling me that; but that isn't the core of what we must talk about this morning, though, is it?"

        The Entil'zha shook his head gravely. "No. Initially, I was quite concerned when I discovered what had happened, but now, perhaps, some of those concerns may be set aside; there is a question I must ask you, and it would please me greatly if you could answer it fairly; if you are to stay with us, and in due course become a Ranger like those you follow, I must know what brought you to us, and why."

        "It was..."

        "Not the Vorlons; they were the instigators, but you made the final decision. Tell me your reasons for doing this, and I will accept them."

        HER reasons; Julia stopped in mid-thought...where to begin?

        Of course.

        "The life I have lead, before now, sir, has been an exercise in frustration; what with my mother gone for months or years at a time and barely any relations in-system, a lot of the time I was forced to live with friends of my parents, although I did live with my father for a while...but being bounced from house to house over the years takes its toll."

        "I can understand how lost you must have felt."

        "*Precisely*. And what's worse, of course, is that my rated intelligence is far up in the top percentile of those currently alive...lucky me, I sometimes say, when I'm in a particularly bad mood. And so, I found I needed a purpose, needed something larger then myself to serve, to give a purpose in life."

        "You encountered this problem earlier then most do."

        "Yes, sir, but this is SO much bigger then I could have conceived...between the job of recording the events of this time, and the war against the Darkness that waits for us on the Rim, there is little I don't like about the situation; it's so exciting...so different from the life I knew."

        "There are many," the Entil'zha cautioned, "Who would disagree with you on the notion of excitement; remember you have yet to encounter the Enemy...when you do, you may know fear, instead."

        "Forgive me, sir, but you point out the obvious...and the chance we could all die in our tasks is quite real, but Mother and I think alike on some things, and this is one of them. If you can't figure out what is right from wrong and make a stand on what you believe for, then you don't deserve to live. I will be a Ranger eventually, but for now, I am content to watch, learn, and, hopefully, help in this...because if the Shadows win, there will be no life or hope for any of us...and I will never grow to enjoy the universe we find ourselves in."

        "Very well said, Julia. I approve." The Entil'zha rose, and looked out on the mountains. "And to that end, I would like to invite you to assist me today on the business of running the Rangers; some of it will seem tedious, but insight is one of the things, for all you know, that you may still lack, and there is no better way to Observe what we are, then to see us from the inside."

        She rose from the seat, and bowed. "I would be honored to join you, sir; when do we start?"

        "Ah, Entil'zha!" Julia turned, to see a rather imperious Minbari appear. "There you are."

        "Does that answer your question?" the Entil'zha inquired, and as they left the ledge, Julia could only smile in response.

* * *

        ##What have you learned?##

        Brianna faced up to the enormous purple form of her master, and tried to sum it all up. "Enough from William to make him angry if he knew, Ulkesh; The Cha'hal'zhamon are desperate and running for now; the Shadows and their allies have destroyed a great number of their ships and several of their bases. They are afraid."


        "GOOD?? I serve you willingly through our promise, Ulkesh, but how can you say that?? The Cha'hal'zhamon fear destruction as much as the rest of us, despite their advanced technology!"

        ##The Hidden abandoned those who needed them; their fear blinds them to the truth. They are irrevelant...a dying people; they shall not survive.##

        "William and Kosh don't share your vision."

        A note of anger and surprise. ##HE has touched you; not allowed.##

        "HE helped me when you just about drove me crazy!! I can't do both my job for the Rangers and serve you at the same time without a little bit of a break from your touch. I appreciate what you've done for me, but constantly...it's too much, Ulkesh!!"

        ##Rebellious.## Ominously.

        In Valen's name; had she gone too far?? "I didn't mean anything by..."

        ##Rebellious; we must take a larger hand in the affairs of others from now on. You will serve us, he cannot protect you##

        She backed away, shaking her head. "You can't ask me to...you..."

        Behind her, the chamber door slid shut, and Ulkesh's encounter suit opened. Brianna opened her mouth to scream, and found herself stabbed by unyielding, insiduous fingers of thought and light; the scream died in her throat, as, if only, perhaps, to prove himself master over the servant, but then again, also as punishment, Ulkesh sent a part of himself into her. It was brutal, it was entirely his style...and then, it was over, and she collapsed to her knees, near to tears. He had never done that before...

        ##You are ours.##


        ##Punishment. Never forget.##

        Brianna held on, just barely. She could feel the piece of the Vorlon rummaging around in her mind...digging fingers in like hooks. "As you command...Master. If there is nothing else, may I go??"

        ##Yes.## The Vorlon turned in dismissal, and Brianna ran from the room.

        Then, the tears came.

* * *

        "Cocky, isn't he?" Jennifer whispered to a nearby Durhan, as the two, along with others, watched the latest 'star' of the encampment, even though that wasn't the right word to use (not in the slightest), a human named Vhatoku, of oriental background, exact triumph once more. Shitoku was as a flame with the pike, and had defeated many human trainees, and several Minbari, already, without defeat.

        Durhan nodded. "He claims victories simply for the right of victory, not for learning, or for knowledge of the weapon. I have tried to educate it out of him, but there is a wall he cannot cross, and he must, if he is to become Anla'shok."

        Vhatoku had just won, again, and was now being congratulated by the cadre of his fellow human trainees that assembled around their hero, but the Minbari in the room looked angry, bitter or a combination of the two; something needed to be done. She made her decision, and cast off her cloak, under Durhan's knowing gaze. "He needs a lesson, and a bit of a reining in...and he is one that will not accept a Minbari giving this lesson; therefore, I will do it instead."

        "Is this wise, Val'na?? Should he win, your reputation will be damaged thereafter."

        She bowed slightly in acknowledgement of the comment. "You taught me the most important things about the pike, Durhan, now I must do the same for him."

        "The cycle turns; so be it." Durhan strode forth, and cast a withering gaze across the watchers, before bringing his eyes to rest on the smug face of Shitoku. "An impressive display; but unrefined, Vhatoku; you do not as yet grasp the key of the fighting pike's nature, and until you do, your education is incomplete."

        "What more is there to learn, Master? How many times must I defeat opponents before I am certified ready?"

        "Until you have learned what must be learnt, and it may be a bitter learning, for another has come, to teach you the value of humility." The watchers murmured uneasily as Jennie stepped into the training area. "This, Vhatoku, is Val'na Jennifer Clifford, one of the Anla'shok commanders from Babylon 5...and among the first humans to be so certified as a Denn'bok user by *me*."

        "A woman?" Vhatoku exclaimed with disbelief, not paying attention to the nervous gaze of his comrades, for THIS Ranger had a reputation with the pike. "I will not fight a woman, Sech Durhan!!"

        Oh, but of course; with the familiar half twist, she expanded her pike to its full length. "Do you consider me an unworthy opponent, Trainee, because of my nature?? I assure you, I more then capable of facing you."

        Vhatoku's mouth twisted into a disbelieving smirk. "I would have to restrain myself so as not to hurt you; Val'na you may be, Ranger as well, but make no mistake, I cannot be defeated by a woman."

        She shook her head, laughing silently inside; even after hundreds of years of evolution, sometimes they just *never* changed. "We shall see; defend yourself."

        And here he came, the typecast movements all too clear. Vhatoku had evidentally achieved his victories through a combination of luck and sheer strength, but that was not the key of using the pike, no, not at all, as she had learned months before. Once again, the arm and the pike became one, and Vhatoku's smirk of contempt quickly faded into concentration, and then, into astonishment at the sheer skill of the icy, redhaired woman facing him. And, eventually, the inevitable occurred, and his defenses slipped...if only for a second.

        It was more then long enough, and a groan ran through the audience, as with an audible -oof- of pain, Vhatoku's ribs met the impervious steel of her pike, and then, as he staggered, twice more...to seal the fate of 'he who could not be beaten.'

        "Have you learned anything, Trainee?" Jennie whispered, as she set a single, thin-booted foot on Vhatoku's chest, whose eyes were still wide with the astonishment of being beaten so soundly.


        "Let me clarify the situation for you; the direct approach is not always the correct one, and sheer strength and luck is not a replacement for knowledge. You must be ONE with the pike, or you will never succeed; your weapon must flow in battle, and most importantly, you fight not for the sake of fighting, but for the sake of honour...your own, and your enemies. If defeated badly, the enemy will feel resentment, and will return, in due course, to plague you once again. If defeated with honour, however, the enemy will convince himself that he has lost, and will trouble you no more. Do you understand the distinction?"


        She allowed herself to smile...a little. "Then you begin to walk on the right path at last."

        As she stepped off the ground, and Vhatoku was surrounded by the concerned mob, Durhan approached her, trying mightily to restrain himself from chuckling. "Do you think he understands his true failure, now?"

        "One would hope...with those of our kind, Durhan, it usually takes a good thumping to set them right."

        "So I have noticed."

* * *

        That night...

        The lights were all out, but Julia needed no lights to know who was standing in the Place of Power. William and Jennifer were being hosted at dinner by some of their comrades, and that left...Brianna.

        The telepath wore a darker cloak then usual, and her face was hidden as Julia approached. Above, all light had faded, and with no moons up, only the silvery light of the stars shone down. "Don't come any closer, Julia...I..can't guarentee your safety if you do."

        "Something's wrong...what?"

        Brianna laughed scornfully. "Something?...say, rather then everything is wrong! Do you know what HE did to me, through his lack of trust in the only servant that really matters? DO YOU?"

        "No...I don't, but you must tell somebody." Julia paused to collect her thoughts. "I bind myself to you in secrecy; in Valen's name, I swear I will not tell another what you tell me, if you choose to do so."

        "Brave words." Brianna's head came up, her glare terrible to behold, and Julia inadvertantly stepped back...for the telepath's eyes were ALL black. "This is what happens when you choose to serve the Vorlons, Julia...terrifying, isn't it?"

        "What does it mean?"

        "The Vorlons do not trust their tools, child, and there may come a time, soon, when they grow to trust no one but themselves. We may all regret being born if such a time comes."

        "Please, Brianna, you who named me truly, you cannot stand out here, and fight with your demons this way!!"

        "What choice is there? He is in here with me, ALL of the time, now, he trusts nobody...not even those of his own kind, any longer."

        "That is a terrible thing."

        "Perhaps it is." Brianna's eyes had returned to normal, but the horrible strain remained. "Prepare to watch me go insane this night, Julia; Observe and record it in all its detail."


        The two whirled, and met the hellish nightime iris of Ulkesh, on the other side of the ledge. "Why are you here??" Brianna screamed, her face full of despair and rage. "Isn't it enough that you torment me?...why can't you leave me alone?"


        And just like that, the telepath collapsed at the Vorlon's base, sobbing...crying. "**Yes**. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, I was only looking for haven."

        #We find it in our nature to forgive you...THIS TIME. Remember, you are ours, you belong to us, not to HIM. Remember this, and serve, and we will give you the peace you desire.#

        "I understand."

        And then, Julia felt fear, as the Vorlon turned to her. #Leave us, Observer; her truth is not yours.#

        Julia fled, if only just in time, as a flare of flowing light blasted through the gate behind her...

* * *

        I am the Follower, and once again, I interject on the story that is, to make a personal comment on that moment.

        For the first time, I knew terror, in the form of our saviours. What should that have told me?

        Precisely...and I said *nothing*.

* * *

        The Waterfall of Gajn'Darahl, May 21st, 2260...morning.

        The sun blazed down, once again...it was looking to be another fine day. William walked up the crystal path provided, his thoughts mixed. Jennie had left him early that morning, with only a message telling him she had gone ahead to Gajn'Darahl, and to meet her there, when he was ready.

        It was quite a spot, between the valley behind and the sheer, still partially snow-covered peak above, a thousand foot cataract thundered down. At the base of the falls, a long parapet wall had been built, and a single, if small crystal spire, a temple, or so he understood. The hills below the falls were laced with stone paths, and places of meditation. She was here somewhere, but how long would he have to search to find her??

        It did not matter, he believed he understood her purpose here, this birthday, her twenty-ninth (but who was counting?) and had made preparations for just that...

        "Sha'vei Westcastle?" he turned, to see a young acolyte of the Religious Caste approach.


        "Your companion wished no disturbance until your arrival, but her request, now that you have arrived, is simple; she awaits you on the Point of Gajn'Darahl." He followed the inclined gesture, and sighed; several hundred feet above them, on the cliff beside the falls, was a tiny parapet, upon which a familiar figure stood, her pike a flash of silver in the sunlight.

        "It is an ardous climb, but worth it in the end." The acolyte said, indicating an entrance into the cliff nearby.

        "I thank you for the information."

        "Pleasure to serve, Sha'vei; Valen watch over you both this most special of days."

        He had read about the ancient tower stairs in some of the castles that had survived the near continus urbanization of the European Union, these were like that, if more refined, and MUCH longer. The spiral seemed to go on forever, but, eventually, the roar of the falls, the backlash spray, and the sunlight returned. His pace had been measured, and so, in good spirits, he stepped out onto the point of Gajn'Darahl; the time had come.

        The spray touched him, and her gaze, as well; triumphant, and pleased. With a barely heard hiss, the pike retracted, and returned to the place at her side, as he bowed. "I have come; not as Sha'vei to Val'na, but as the other side of your soul. I have come to honour you, on this, your naming day, under the water of Gajn'Darahl; what is it you wish of me?" There...he had started it, but would she finish??

        "I see you, not as Val'na to Sha'vei, but as the other side of my soul; my naming day upon me, I beseech you, under the water of Gajn'Darahl, to forever stand by my side; I am the last of my line, there is none to stand against this wish."

        He smiled, but then let it fade. "And yet, there is grave concern; the Darkness stands upon us, and all are in peril. Even this place could fall to the Darkness, if we do not strive to stop it. What then, am I to make of your request, if there is no guaruntee of seeing the end of this, and once more finding the Peace of Valen?"

        Her eyes flashed as steel; she knew what she was doing. "We will find our way through the Darkness, together; through the fire, if need be, in order to fulfill this bargain. In Valen's Name, under Valeria's gaze, I bind you to it."

        "I will not argue." With one long flourish, he withdrew the necklace of silver, firestone and diamond that had been passed on to him only that morning; Sinclair had not forgotten the request, in fact, the Entil'zha had seemed more then pleased to have a little happiness among his Rangers, for now, and Jennie's barely hidden gasp of surprise paid THAT right off. "Now..since I'm assuming you're done with ceremony, this is both your birthday AND engagement present...and the answer, therefore, is yes."


        "Friends in high places." he murmured, as she drew close.

        "Oh...really?" she whispered, as he closed the clasp around her neck.

        "Do remember...we *have* to defeat the Shadows in order to pull this off."

        "This will give me added...incentive; now kiss me, damnit!!"

* * *

        May 22nd, 2260.

        "It went well, I will assume?" Sinclair inquired with a smile, as William took the offered seat.

        "Yes, sir; she was...most appreciative."

        "Good; that there should be at least a little bit of joy amongst the darkness is a gift, one that we cannot ignore..but now, William, there are greater concerns. Babylon 5's Rangers have organized themselves, with the aid of your council, into the force they needed to become. Marcus, Shival and the rest will do the job that needs to be done, but I'm afraid the time is coming soon when I must draw you away, and into a higher calling."

        He rose. "With all due respect, sir, is this wise?"

        Sinclair's gaze hardened. "Difficult decisions needed to be made, and the time will come, all too soon, when our Enemy's patience runs out, and then they will strike. The cries for help will ring out, but we cannot aid them, not yet, there is still much to be done."

        "And...that's where I come in?"

        "You...and a select few others from your command. William, I cannot emphasize the importance of this task, and it is a task that must be shared between Minbari and Humans. To that end, I introduce you to a Ranger you have not yet met, but equal in importance to yourself." The door sprang open, and a grim-faced Minbari strode in. "This is Vikotal, onetime Alit of the Warrior Caste, and among the few of that caste to still remain among us; he has come, because the task ahead of us must now turn from the training of our army to the training of pilots...the use of weapons...the gathering of Captains."


        Vikotal bowed. "Sha'vei Westcastle, as an equal, I greet you; the matter the Entil'zha speaks of will soon become clear to you; listen."

        Of a sudden, he became aware of a distant, rising shrill whine, and he strode to the window, and looked up into the burningly bright sky. Six tiny forms flew there...familiar forms, forms of grandeur. The form of the future that was almost upon them. "The White Stars!! They are ready."

        "Only the first." Vikotal announced, his gaze firm. "The orbitals are producing them as fast as they can, but those who flew over Tuzanor this day are untrained; they know enough to guide their ships above this place and back to orbit, but that is all. For too long, the Warrior Caste have guided our ways in War, but with this conflict, that has changed. The Grey Council is divided, and for now, the Warriors stand apart...we cannot wait for them to make up their minds!"

        "The Religious Caste will be forced to fight their battles for them; to stand with the humans among the Anla'shok."

        "Precisely; the form is there, but the synchrony...is not. We must train, and practice, and HONE the skills of what we have, or the Enemy will have won before the battle is started. I ask you, as Sha'vei to Sha'vei, to join *with me*, to forge that blade, to make of the White Star Fleet what we must!! Will you join me??"

        "This is what you want, Entil'zha??" he asked, catching Sinclair's gaze once more.

        "It is; the White Star Fleet must be jointly commanded, between Minbari, and HUMAN, William. Vikotal fulfills the first, you must come to fulfill the second."

        "Will you do it?" Vikotal bruesquely asked him.

        The pause was less then infintesimal. "Yes...I will."

        "Then we start. Now." Vikotal turned, and he as well, towards their leader. "Entil'zha Veni...in Valen's Name!!"

        "Let it begin." was Sinclair's only response.

        And so, it did.

* * *

        And the word went forth, as word often did; that the first squadron of White Stars did appear above Tuzanor that day, untrained, uncertain, unready; but also, that Minbari and Human did vow to hone those skills, banish those fears, and, in due course, take the fight to the Foe. And they also asked, was another Prophecy of the Vorlons about to be fulfilled?? Would the Sha'vei of Babylon 5 now take his place, and become as a Walker in the darkness, the Stalker in the Night??

        The Vorlons, in turn, observed the proceedings unseen, and determined that their plottings were, indeed, on the verge of succeeding. That which they had created, the force that Rangers called the Rimstalker, was about to be unleashed, in full accordance with their wishes; all was going as planned.

        As future historians would be quick to point out, the Vorlons were gifted in prior planning, and right about a great many things.

        But they were *far* from infallible...

* * *

        Next...the countdown to conflict continues, as one of the Shadow Observers decides to break away and cross sides; while Gideon and his new companion move in pursuit, G'kael and Bethany must face the encroaching nightmare that is the coming Shadow invasion...in "Crossing the Borders of Belief" the next part of "DARK CIRCLE."

        Coming soon...

* * *

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