(disclaimers and associated descriptions in overture)

* * *

        <<Act Three>>

        The surface -- Anla'shok muster point. 21:17 hrs, Sept 4th, 2267.

        "They must be gone by now, Shavann... we *have* to do something!"

        The Minbari named Shavann, who had in his day walked amongst the stars with Alyt Neroon, and then been one of the few of his clan to stand aside during the atrocities of the Civil War between the castes, took a deep breath and did his best to rein in his anger. That anger, as the Sech'sha had once told him, should be saved for when the time came to fight the enemy... and not be directed towards his fellow Rangers, be they human or otherwise, young or old, wise or... inexperienced. "We must have patience, Mr. Deitz... what do you think will happen if we rise from this place to find those warships waiting for us?"

        "But... our sensors don't show anything up there!" the other Ranger insisted. "If we could make it to the jumpgate..."

        "And what if we find that those warships are using Shadow technology to hide themselves from our sensors, instead? While we have yet to see the weapons systems of those vessels used against us, I fear we would not last long against Shadow-augmented weaponry. We wait, Mr. Deitz... until reinforcements arrive -- until our Val'na and 'An'shaka-dal's' crew returns. Do you understand?"

        Deitz nodded curtly -- and then the younger Ranger stalked off into the fog, without saying another word.

        "That one," the third fighter pilot observed, "May very well be the death of us yet. May I assume, however, that once the Captain returns, you will obey Anla'shok Fenric's final wish?"

        "If final it is." Shavann curtly observed. "The enemy may have taken him and the others, but they may yet escape, if the One wills it. But yes... when reinforcements come, we will attempt a rendezvous. It is our duty to tell his tale, so he may be remembered..."

* * *

        "What happened to... me?"

        "You pass-sss-ed out." the enemy voice told Courtney, its tone now thoughtful instead of sinister. "But the Others have told us what we must do, and we must obey their wishes in all things. Now... who are you?"

        "That's an interesting question to ask," Courtney spat, "Considering we're on a Shadow technology-augmented warship!"

        "The... Shadows are gone -- and jus-ss-t because this vessel uses their technology does *not* mean we echo their beliefs and motives. Answer the question!"

        "I am *Anla'shok*."

        "You are young to wear the black -- very young, indeed. You have seen much you do not understand, and walked in places that have frightened you, yes?"

        "I don't think I want to answer that question..."

        "Oh -- do you not?" The voice had now become sinister again. "And if I was to s-ss-ay that answering the question would mean the difference between life and death?"

        "You can go to Hell..."

        The floor beneath suddenly flared with electric fire, and Courtney screamed. "Impudence, s-ss-he displays... try again, Anla'shok that you call yourself."

        "Yes." she managed, as she steadied herself on the floor. "Sometimes."

        "And are you frightened now?"


        "The girl lies to us-sss..." another voice observed. "A human who was given a weapon she does not know how to use. The girl is defiant."

        "Perhaps -- and yet, she wears the black -- for her kind, this means something, yes? So why *did* you put on the black, Anla'shok?" the first voice challenged. "Answer this question, and we may yet let you live."

        Almost Courtney told them about following in her father's footsteps... but then she paused, and thought it through. What if that wasn't enough for them? If they didn't like her answer, the pain would come again -- and even though she was trained in resisting torture like any other Ranger... she didn't know how much of that she could stand. "So many of us have died, fighting the darkness." she managed. "Your darkness -- the darkness we cannot see... fighting the lies and the deceptions. Someone has to follow in their footsteps... to make their deaths have meaning."

        "How very *honorable*." the voice hissed. "How... human."

        And then, all of a sudden, Courtney made the connection that had been sitting in the back of her mind all along -- that voice, the hissing... of course. All of a sudden her mind went back to the image of a dark-skinned sentient with huge red eyes standing in the hangar bay of the *Shard*, months before -- Moreil, her captain's occasional ally. "You're Z'shailyl, aren't you?"

        There was a pause -- and then... "The girl makes assumptions she should not have. One more question -- where were you when the darkness fell upon your world?"

        "Serving the One." she said, once more defiant. And for her troubles, were then plunged back into darkness. Courtney paused, then -- waiting for the light to return, for the 'interrogation' to continue... but nothing else happened -- while the voice did not return.

        While nothing about the whole experience, from the questions down to the single *if* powerful jolt they'd given her, made any sense. Because, Courtney considered, as she remembered the words that Sech Durhan had said to her class back in Tuzanor -- if these enemies had wanted her secrets, the torture would have continued until they'd broken her... however long that would have taken.

        That they hadn't done this meant that something else was going on. But what?

* * *

        Elsewhere in the ship, Azhahk Fenric was asking the very same question -- and although he would not learn of the matter until much later, his captors had asked him many of the same questions they'd asked his younger companion. While the whole experience, from the apparent uselessness of the inquiry to the bizarre episode when the lights of the cell had flickered madly, giving him a tremendous headache, didn't seem to make any sense. And now, for what seemed to be at least several hours, they had left him alone...

        And then, all of a sudden, the icy-cold wall on the far side of the cell shuddered, and a great chunk swung aside to reveal a door. And even as a wary Fenric rose to his feet, a figure familiar in appearance appeared in that opening, its dark head triangular, its enormous eyes glowing faintly in the shadowy interior of the enclosure. "So... you've come for me at last, have you?"

        "Be *silent*!" the Z'shailyl hissed. "All is not as it seems-ss. But unless you cooperate, none of what I intend may come to pass. This, I believe, is yours." And then, as an openly disbelieving Fenric watched on, the Z'shailyl withdrew a small object from its robes and held it out towards him. "Your weapon, I believe?"

        "And if I take it and attempt to strike you down, what then?"

        "You will have los-ss-t what is in the here and now your one ally onboard this ship."

        "Then why give the weapon to me at all?"

        "Becaus-ss-e even the *best* laid plans hold within their claws the capacity to go wrong. This-ss lesson you and your leaders have learned by now, yes?"

        "And another thing..."

        "Why do I do this thing at all?" The Z'shailyl's mouth glittered as it bared its teeth. "Remember you mus-ss-t that not all of my kind serve our various masters without regret -- and that there are some among us who seek to free us from those bonds... permanantly."

        "Ah -- do you refer to Moreil, perhaps?"

        "Yes-sss." the Z'shailyl agreed. "He is the One Who Stands Apart -- he may be our only hope... if he lives-sss long enough to finish what he has begun, that is-sss. But now... the plan, we must discuss. The first thing you mus-ss-t know is that I serve as what you would call 'Watch Commander' on this ship. The master of this vessel has gone to his rest, having finished asking you his... questions. While the guards on this Watch believe as I do, and will not interfere with us."

        "And once you have released the other two members of my party, what then?"

        "We will take you to an escape pod, and jettison you from the ship." the Z'shailyl explained. "And leave clues-ss behind to make the others believe that you have escaped, but are still onboard."

        "Ah... but how are you to make the 'escape' look credible?"

        "A few of those loyal to our cause have volunteered to be ss-struck down near to this place, to make it appear as if they were attacked during your escape. It is the safest way to insure your s-sss-urvival."

        A moment passed -- but finally, Fenric nodded. "I am perhaps a fool to believe you -- but the alternative appears to be even more unpleasant. While there does seem to be convinction behind your words, Z'shailyl. And as for your intent -- it makes sense. My Captain will be returning soon, and when she does, battle will surely be joined..."

        "And this-sss ship, and all aboard her, may die." The Z'shailyl agreed. "Now! -- the time for talking is done... the moment for action has come."

* * *

        Hyperspace -- down-gradient from Sector 975. 00:13 hrs, Sept 5th, 2267.

        "Hey, Julia -- wakey-wakey. I would say 'rise and shine', except..."

        "It's the middle of our nightwatch..." Julia managed, as she forced open an eyelid, "And since we're in hyperspace, there's no 'sun' either. So... are they here yet? And when did I fall asleep?"

        "About an hour and a half ago." Dawson replied with a grin. "Don't you remember going into your ready room for a break? As I recall, you said something about 'stretching your legs'..."

        "Oh... yeah -- I guess I *did* at that." Julia finally admitted. "There wouldn't happen to be any coffee around, would there?"

        "I thought you didn't drink coffee."

        "There's an exception to every rule." Julia ruefully admitted, as Dawson's grin widened -- and then a moment later the engineer began pouring her a cup from the thermos he'd carried in with him. "While it sure looks as if you were expecting my request..."

        "Yep." the engineer replied. "Eventually, there comes a moment when the going gets *really* tough... and then you just gotta have your java."

        "I'll have to keep that in mind." Julia sarcastically replied, even as she sipped from the mug, winced at the strong brew and tried to shake the cobwebs out of her mind. "Now..."

        "The 'Night's Dagger' came into sensor range about five minutes ago, accompanied by White Star's 104 and 125, while the 'Aramain' and the 'Shalnaer' should be here in less than ninety minutes. And once they arrive..."

        "It's time for us to go hunting."

        Dawson nodded. "One other thing -- Klairika wanted me to tell you that she intercepted a comm message between Earthforce command and some of its outermost units while you were asleep -- seems like the 'Excalibur's running silent for some reason. Apparently Captain Gideon told the Joint Chiefs that they're running a series of drills, but from the tone of the message, it doesn't sound like they believe him."

        "Running silent..." Julia muttered, as she rose to her feet and moved onto the bridge, Dawson beside her. "They're probably right, Nicholas -- he wouldn't do something like this without a damn good reason."

        "And you've become a Gideon expert all of a sudden, have you?"

        "When you sneak around after the man for the better part of a year... you pick up on a few things." Julia said, as she sank into the captain's chair, cup in hand. "Klairika..."


        "I'm assuming that the captain of the 'Dagger's waiting to talk to us?"

        "He is *indeed*." the Brakiri confirmed. "On main screen."

* * *

        Onboard the *Excalibur* -- 00:21 hrs, EST.

        There were only a few things that John Matheson disliked about his career in Earthforce... and one of those was the waiting. Waiting to see if the latest exploration would produce a result -- waiting to see who the Captain would manage to piss off next... waiting for the inevitable, for the booby traps they were going to find in ancient ruins, the traps that would kill good men and women who were only trying to help find a cure to the plague. And now, waiting to arrive in a sector of space containing ships that would almost certainly open fire on them the minute they jumped out.

        While waiting sometimes begat sleeplessness -- and so it was that Matheson found himself wandering from place to place within the bowels of his captain's ship... and finally, when he decided that he'd walked enough, he called for a transport car. Maybe, if no one interfered, he'd be able to catch a doze in there...

        That idea lasted as long as it took for the telepath to put up his legs -- and then was rudely shattered as another presence suddenly made itself known in the car. "Ah... hello, Lieutenant. I thought you might happen along eventually."

        Matheson's eyes snapped open -- and he muttered a curse as he saw Galen at the other end of the car. "How did you do that? I could've sworn you weren't there a moment ago."

        "Perhaps you are correct... perhaps I *wasn't*." the technomage cryptically replied. "But we are well met this night, Mr. Matheson... for there are matters we must discuss."

        "The Captain's obsession, you mean?"

        "I am less worried about Matthew's obsessions and more interested in where he is getting his information *from*." Galen parried. "Aren't you even the slightest bit concerned about who it was that gave him this lead, and what price he may have paid to obtain it?"

        "Curious, yes..." Matheson admitted, "But not concerned. I've served with him a long time now, Galen -- and even though he does hold his cards close, he's been right about his hunches a Hell of a lot more often then he's been wrong. And I think he's right about this one."

        "You do?" Galen's eyes narrowed. "Why?"

        "I..." Matheson paused, and then frowned. "You know what?... it's the strangest thing, but I get the feeling that not everyone out there is trying to get us -- and that we may find friends where we least expect them." And that, Matheson decided, was as near as he was going to come to telling Galen about the Captain's 'suspicions'... for the time being at least.

        "Perhaps you're right." Galen finally said, as the transport car slid to a halt. "At the speed we are travelling, it would appear that we're going to find out soon enough in any case. Good evening to you, Lieutenant." And with that said, Galen left Matheson to his thoughts.

        "Damnit..." the 'Excalibur's first officer muttered after a few more moments had passed. Who was he to deny the inevitable? "So much for a nap."

* * *

        "What the!..."

        "*Quietly*, Miss Ellis." Fenric quietly insisted, as he quickly laid a hand over the mouth of his wide-eyed and quite disheveled comrade. "When one is about to make a 'prison break', one does not generally announce the fact to the warden, yes?"

        "How... how did you get out?"

        "It would seem that we have friends even in the most unexpected places." the fighter pilot replied, as he gestured towards the door of Courtney's cell. A moment later, the two Rangers stepped through the door together to find Shein and the Z'shailyl waiting beyond. "He refuses to tell us his name -- but it would seem as if there is a significant fifth-column presence among the Z'shailyl onboard this vessel."

        "So it *was* built by the Drakh?"

        "No." the Z'shailyl insisted, "Not by... them. The Others built this ship."

        "The Others?" Courtney managed. "Who and what are they?"

        "I cannot tell you that -- if their plans proceed as scheduled, however... you may learn the answer to your questions-sss soon enough, human. For now, though... there is no time for us-ss to exchange secrets. You must follow me, and *now*, if you wish to live."

        Courtney and Azhahk exchanged a glance. "And you believe him?"

        "If there is an alternative you wish to suggest, Miss Ellis, now would be the time." Shein observed. "The masters of this vessel and the rest are undoubtedly waiting to test their ships against those fielded by the Anla'shok -- and I, for one, do not believe that our Val'na is going to disappoint them..."

* * *

        "Hail, hail..." Nathan Gardinier deadpanned, "The gang's all here."

        "While the plan you have... concocted betweenst you appears to be sound." the captain of the 'Aramain' admitted. "To send in the two White Stars with fighter escort to draw the enemy out of hiding is perhaps our best choice -- as we proved during the Shadow War, they are perhaps maneuverable enough to avoid anything but short-range bursts from Shadow-enhanced weaponry. And then, once they've committed themselves to battle..."

        "We close the trap." Julia finished. "The three strike cruisers will jump in from all sides and engage -- while my ship will come into the fray in the... shadow of Val'na Gardinier's command, ready to unleash our own firepower, as required."

        "It can be hoped that the enemy will find themselves so involved fighting the enemies they can easily see that they will forget about the one that is more difficult to detect."

        "This new enemy has chosen to threaten us, clothing themselves once more in the shadows of our pasts." the captain of the 'Shalnaer' said. "This, we cannot allow, not if our mission is to succeed... not if *yours* is to succeed as well, Val'na Tikopai."

        "And remember, boys..." Gardinier drawled, "If we get the chance to board those ships... we take it. Some of our people may have been captured... and if they have, we have to try and rescue them -- as well as learning where this tech is coming from."

        "And if we cannot save them?"

        "They swore the vow, just like the rest of us." Julia stated, her tone cool and precise. "They knew the risks they were taking when they agreed to come on this mission -- and that sometimes, not everyone gets out alive if victory is to achieved."

        "We understand. And now..."

        "Now, it's time to dance." Gardinier finished for them all, his voice gone suddenly deadly.

* * *


        "So... it's done, is it?"

        "Yes. It took us only a short time to isolate the target from the others -- we have done what you and the others have asked us to."

        "Very well. In that case... get as many of your people off of the ship as you can. The -shatoz-, as well you know, are more than capable of fighting a battle by themselves... at least temporarily."

        "It is a steep price to pay."

        "Yes -- very steep. But we must pay it, in order for victory to be assured." The first speaker bowed at those words, and as the image of the second faded from sight, he straightened and let out a hiss of satisfaction. Veils behind veils... and soon enough, if all went well, those veils would be ripped aside.

        Then, and only then... would the Enemy understand the true nature of what they were facing. Then would come the moment of their final defeat. And following that -- the obliteration of the human race.

        Soon now.

* * *

        "Talk to me, Lieutenant..." Matthew Gideon ground out, as he emerged onto the bridge of the *Excalibur*, Galen close behind. "What's going on out there?"

        "Sensors have picked up jump point activity in the area, sir." Matheson replied. "Also some comm traffic between a few Ranger White Stars. Looks like the Alliance has sent a battle group in to deal with the situation."

        "If they're facing the same ship that attacked the *Cerberus*, Lieutenant, I sincerely hope that it's more than a few." Gideon said.

        "Your orders, sir?"

        "We let the Rangers have their battle -- bloody the enemy the little..."

        "And then?"

        "And then..." Gideon concluded, "It's time for the cavalry to come riding over the hill."

* * *

        To be continued...

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