Basic Push Button
First make a new image 200x200 pixels, then create a new layer.
Use the elliptical marquee tool to make a circle selection
(Hold down shift key to draw a perfect circle)
Press D and X to reset the background color to black and foreground white.
Then use the Radial Gradient to fill the circle from top left to bottom right like the picture on the left.
Now go to Select>Modify>Contract, enter 6 for pixels
Then go to
Edit>Transform>Rotate 180
Go to Select>Modify>Contract, this time enter 2 for pixels
Then go to Edit>Transform>Rotate 180
To color your button, Go to Image > Adjust >Hue, check the "colorize" box and adjust anything there untill you like.
Apply any layer effects you like, for example drop shadow, bevel & emboss...etc

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