Love Heart
Do you need to create a love heart for your valentine webpages?
First make a new image 150x150 pixels with white background.
Create a new channel:
Click this small button to create a new channel.
Your image should be black now, and you will see a new channel called "Alpha 1" .
and select the number 65 brush.
Use the paintbrush tool
Now you need to change the brush options. Double click on the brush, follow this options:

100       ....Click OK
Now use the paintbrush tool to draw two circles on the image.
Use the line tool:
Draw two lines like the picture below:
Start the second line at the bottom middle of the two circles also.
Start the first line at the bottom middle of the two circles.
Then use the paintbucket tool to fill the empty spaces with white.
Then use the paintbucket tool to fill the empty spaces with white.
Now go to Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur, enter 6.0 for Radius pixels. Click OK.
Now you have a heart, but it is blur, so you need go to Image>Adjust>Levels.
Follow the options below:
you are not done, click next

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