Chess Diagrams (Version 12, 10 Jan 2009)

A.Chatterjee [email protected]

Setup a position
Test Legal
Save Diagram as BMP File
Save Diagram to Virtual Clipboard
Save HTM
Retrieve a saved position
Flip Board
Start Position, Empty Board, Typical Position

Setup a position
Click the Empty Board button. Click a piece at left to select it. When the mouse is brought inside the board the cursor shows the piece selected. Click a square to place a piece on it. To empty a square, either click the same piece again on that square or use the empty square from the left. The dot and cross symbols can be used to mark squares (e.g. for teaching chess). To draw an arrow: Click the Arrow button (the mouse cursor changes to an iron cross when brought inside the board area), click the starting square and then the ending square. Only arrows corresponding to chess moves are possible. To erase an arrow, simply draw the same arrow again.
Test Legal
Whenever you save a position (as BMP, virtual clipboard or HTM) ChessDiagrams performs a simple test to see if the position is legal. You can also test a position before saving it, by clicking "Check Legal". When Check Legal shows errors/warnings, click "More" to see the details. The file is saved irrespective of errors and warnings. So, it is possible for you to construct diagrams that are not legal positions e.g. for instructional purposes. Warnings indicate unlikely though legal positions. The purpose is to draw your attention to possible mistakes.
Save Diagram as BMP File
Click File --> Save BMP or Ctl+S. A file browser shows up. Negotiate to a folder of your choice. Enter the name of a new file (don't type .bmp, the file type bmp is taken automatically) or click an existing file to overwrite it. BMP files can be inserted into WORD documents (In WORD click Insert --> Picture --> From File). You could select your picture size in advance (see Preferences). In any case you can also resize the picture inside WORD without loss of picture quality.
Save Diagram to Virtual Clipboard
The process of preparing a WORD document with many diagrams can be tedious. You could create all the diagrams in advance, then open the word document and paste the files one at a time. To shorten this process, ChessDiagrams introduces (from version 10) a virtual clipboard. The virtual clipboard is not the Windows clipboard, it is simply a file C:\clip.bmp. The first time you use the virtual clipboard you will see a message which you should disable for future. Afterwards, simply Ctl+L will save to the virtual clipboard file, silently overwriting it. After you have your first picture ready in C:\clip.bmp you need to construct a macro in WORD (with a keyboard shortcut or toolbar) to insert C:\clip.bmp into your documents. When you have done that and made it available for all documents, it becomes very simple to paste diagrams keeping ChessDiagrams open while working with Word. If you are unfamiliar with defining a macro in WORD, get Help inside WORD. Basically you need to go: Tools --> Macro --> Record New Macro.
Save HTM
Click File --> Save HTM or Ctl+T, negotiate to a folder of your choice, type a file name in the File Name box (don't type .htm, the file type htm is taken automatically) or click an existing htm file to overwrite it. The saved htm file is a demo web page. If you double click this file it will open with your web browser and you will see the saved diagram. In order to use this diagram on your own web page, open your own htm file as well as the htm file you saved in a simple text editor like Notepad. Mark the table part of your saved file (from <TABLE CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0> to </TABLE>) and copy-paste into the relevant place inside your own htm file. (I assume you have a basic knowledge of html). While uploading the webpage to your server, you will also need to upload the gifs directory (included in ChessDiagrams). Note that the Preferences “Picture Size” and “Show Coordinates” apply for the htm file too (however the Custom size cannot be used).
Retrieve a saved position
Whenever you save a BMP or HTM file (or a virtual clipboard file), a file with the same name but file type cdg is saved in the same folder. The operation File --> Open CDG (Ctl+O) allows you to open the diagram again in ChessDiagrams so that you can change it.

There are 4 choices for picture size:

Name Size (inches) Remarks
CUSTOM Selectable: 1" to 6" Option n/a for HTM
SMALL 2"  
LARGE 6"  

You can also decide if you want the coordinates (a-h, 1-8) along the board edge, or even have ChessDiagrams ask you about this every time. The Preferences you set are automatically saved and used every time you start ChessDiagrams.

When you click on this, the colours in the display change. This does not have any effect on the BMP files you create (they are Black and White) however the chosen colour applies to HTM files.
Flip Board
Click this, to turn the board around.
Start Position, Empty Board, Typical Position
No explanation needed for these.
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