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First Name :   Shakenbaker
Comment :   Great Job! Your website is great reading and helps me keep focused! By the way, did you ever go back to the Doctor and WHAT DID HE SAY???
E-mail Address :   [email protected]
Are you a Boot Camp Buddy? Your alias? :   
First Name :   Toni
URL :   
Comment :   You are my inspiration!!! I loved reading your adventure.... I now have hope..
E-mail Address :   [email protected]
Are you a Boot Camp Buddy? Your alias? :   
First Name :   Marla
URL :   
Comment :   I am also trying to lose weight. I weight 187.4.. I was 190 lbs... Just joined WW. I am going to be 50 this June 26th... and want so badly to lose this weight! I can relate to a lot of what you have spoken about and I am so impressed with you. Hopefully,
E-mail Address :   [email protected]
Are you a Boot Camp Buddy? Your alias? :   
First Name :   Carole
URL :   
Comment :   Im so glad youve come back to posting on BCB!! I seem to remember, vaguely, your postings on BCB, but Ive only been a member for a little more than a year! Please keep posting, as you are an inspiration to me! Your journaling is great.
E-mail Address :   [email protected]
Are you a Boot Camp Buddy? Your alias? :   Yes...Carole L
First Name :   Ronda(iam2chunky)
URL :   
Comment :   hello Diamond all I can say id wow you look great.I really need to get in touch with you.When I was first starting WW you gave me a much needed kick.I need that again.You are the only one that ever got me mad enough to get my butt in gear.Please email me.
E-mail Address :   [email protected]
Are you a Boot Camp Buddy? Your alias? :   iam2chunky
First Name :   Debbie
URL :   
Comment :   I am encouraged by your page.. May I ask how you are doing now? I have lost 37.2 lbs with WW and am on my way I sure hope anyway!
E-mail Address :   [email protected]
Are you a Boot Camp Buddy? Your alias? :   DebbieHead
First Name :   Ashlee
URL :   
Comment :   Boot Camp Buddies were asking about you. Someone knew your web site. I love your site, and have readfrom it before. You are doing great and you look beautiful. Ashlee
E-mail Address :   
Are you a Boot Camp Buddy? Your alias? :   Ashlee
First Name :   Vickilynn
URL :   
Comment :   Hey Karen! I miss you! How about dropping me an email???
E-mail Address :   [email protected]
Are you a Boot Camp Buddy? Your alias? :   
First Name :   Willetta
URL :   
Comment :   You go mamma, you look great. Congradulations on your weight-loss. Im struggling with my weight. You are a great inspiration. Keep up the good work.
E-mail Address :   [email protected]
Are you a Boot Camp Buddy? Your alias? :   no
First Name :   Debs
Comment :   Hi, congratulations on your fantastic weightloss. you are a hug inspiration!
E-mail Address :   
Are you a Boot Camp Buddy? Your alias? :   nope
First Name :   Heather
Comment :   Excellent work! you look ABSOLUTELY Wonderful!! Congrats to you on your accomplishment..
E-mail Address :   [email protected]
Are you a Boot Camp Buddy? Your alias? :   no...
First Name :   Dina
URL :   
Comment :   you will be my motivation you are an inspiration hope i have that much willpower
E-mail Address :   [email protected]
Are you a Boot Camp Buddy? Your alias? :   
First Name :   Cindy
URL :   
Comment :   I Love your site. Iam very impressed with your determination. Way to go! You look so beautiful......I have been encouraged. I have many health issues and I have lost and gained the same pounds for 2 years......Iam more hopeful..Thanks.. Did you ever hav
E-mail Address :   [email protected]
Are you a Boot Camp Buddy? Your alias? :   no......
First Name :   becky
URL :   
Comment :   i am where you was and looking at you gives me hope god i hope i can do it you look great i am so happy for you god bless pray for me i need help
E-mail Address :   [email protected]
Are you a Boot Camp Buddy? Your alias? :   
First Name :   LEE
URL :   
Comment :   What a wonderful should be very proud of your accomplishment! Im just starting my weight-loss journey..hope I can do as well.
E-mail Address :   [email protected]
Are you a Boot Camp Buddy? Your alias? :   
First Name :   Linda
Comment :   Hi Karen I love your site and yes I can do this too as that is how you are making me feel - MOTIVATED Well done you have done so well YOU ARE A WINNER!! Love Linda xx
E-mail Address :   [email protected]
Are you a Boot Camp Buddy? Your alias? :   no but going to join...WooHoo
First Name :   Di
URL :   
Comment :   great journal absolutely loved reading it all in one night! Please please please update
E-mail Address :   cornwell1@bigpond
Are you a Boot Camp Buddy? Your alias? :   no
First Name :   Lynda
Comment :   Amazing site. I loved reading your journals and love even more your beliefs about weight loss. Well done, congratulations.
E-mail Address :   
Are you a Boot Camp Buddy? Your alias? :   No
First Name :   Chris
Comment :   Good for you Auntie Karen
E-mail Address :   [email protected]
Are you a Boot Camp Buddy? Your alias? :   No
First Name :   Andrew
URL :   
Comment :   Wonderful Karen..That was quite a journey. Best wishes. Hoppy!
E-mail Address :   [email protected]
Are you a Boot Camp Buddy? Your alias? :   
First Name :   sara
URL :   none
Comment :   congratulations on your great weightloss,wow,im impress,way to go, you also have a lovely site,i have just began to read it, and saw how much you lost, and i couldnt wait but to write to you, keep up the good work, and thank you for sharing this with ever
E-mail Address :   
Are you a Boot Camp Buddy? Your alias? :   yes, i am member,is allright, just wanted to congratulate you,
First Name :   Geneva
URL :   
Comment :   Wow Karen, you are more of a knockout every time I see you. What a pair of legs on you! Im so glad to hear from you, and glad to hear that things continue to move in positive directions. Hope that job works out and that all else is well.
E-mail Address :   [email protected]
Are you a Boot Camp Buddy? Your alias? :   genris
First Name :   radhika
URL :   
Comment :   You are a wonderful writer, above everything else. I loved the way youve written your story. Congratulations on your huge weight loss. Very Inspiring!
E-mail Address :   [email protected]
Are you a Boot Camp Buddy? Your alias? :   no
First Name :   Norma
URL :   
Comment :   Just wanted to tell you look wonderful and that you have been an inspiration to me for over a year now, since I first started reading your story in 2002
E-mail Address :   [email protected]
Are you a Boot Camp Buddy? Your alias? :   yes.....Jacobs Nana
First Name :   Mary
URL :   
Comment :   Diamond, I have missed you. I am still working to get to goal. I am sorry about your separation. I have been there.
E-mail Address :   [email protected]
Are you a Boot Camp Buddy? Your alias? :   marigram
First Name :   Gina
URL :   
Comment :   Youre back! With a bang, I must add! You are stunning!!!
E-mail Address :   [email protected]
Are you a Boot Camp Buddy? Your alias? :   Yes - Gigibeans1
First Name :   Robert
URL :   
Comment :   What a gorgeous woman, inside and out. Im in love with you. Keep up the good work!
E-mail Address :   
Are you a Boot Camp Buddy? Your alias? :   
First Name :   Dawn
URL :   
Comment :   Oh you look amazing. I love that pic of you in the yellow blouse. Thats how I wear my hair now. You must feel like a billion bucks!
E-mail Address :   [email protected]
Are you a Boot Camp Buddy? Your alias? :   yes, broomy
First Name :   Cindy
URL :   
Comment :   Thank you
E-mail Address :   
Are you a Boot Camp Buddy? Your alias? :   
First Name :   Jason
URL :   
Comment :   Oh my! I think I love you. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful.
E-mail Address :   [email protected]
Are you a Boot Camp Buddy? Your alias? :   
First Name :   Gina
URL :   
Comment :   Where are you? I miss you. Please e-mail me. Your friend
E-mail Address :   [email protected]
Are you a Boot Camp Buddy? Your alias? :   gigibeans1
First Name :   Glenda
URL :   
Comment :   Hey girl! I miss you and hope you are doing well! Be good to you, and trust your gut! Hope to see you soon!
E-mail Address :   
Are you a Boot Camp Buddy? Your alias? :   popcorngirl
First Name :   pat
URL :   
Comment :   it 6;26am after reading your note im determine today to start a diet that will work for me right now im misery at 374, thank a lot pat of chicago will hear from me again
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Are you a Boot Camp Buddy? Your alias? :   no
First Name :   jessica
URL :   
Comment :   I enjoyed reading your has inspired me to keep working toward my goal. It would be alot easier to give up, but your story has given me the courage to work hard at what I want.
E-mail Address :   [email protected]
Are you a Boot Camp Buddy? Your alias? :   
First Name :   Claire
URL :   
Comment :   Well, you go girl. Im l0 days post op. Im still crying im so happy. YES, it will change your life!
E-mail Address :   [email protected]
Are you a Boot Camp Buddy? Your alias? :   no
First Name :   Karen
URL :   
Comment :   Im new to weight watchers having a bit of difficulty - but am sticking with it. I was just looking for some encouragement - knowing that it will work out in the end with a little perserverance. Congrats on your loss you look great!
E-mail Address :   [email protected]
Are you a Boot Camp Buddy? Your alias? :   yes - KT2003
Suggestions? :   
First Name :   karen
URL :   
Comment :   where are you i miss you and reading your journals? i hope you are doing great- come back soon-- karen
E-mail Address :   [email protected]
Are you a Boot Camp Buddy? Your alias? :   
Suggestions? :   
First Name :   Dawna
URL :   
Comment :   Hi Diamond, You look GREAT!!!! Just wanted to tell you that! Dawna
E-mail Address :   [email protected]
Are you a Boot Camp Buddy? Your alias? :   legaleagle
Suggestions? :   
First Name :   Katy
URL :   
Comment :   What an inspiration, and yes you are a tiny little thing. Congratulations to you.
E-mail Address :   [email protected]
Are you a Boot Camp Buddy? Your alias? :   raindancer1937
Suggestions? :   
First Name :   Peggy
Comment :   Congratulations on your weightloss. You look great! I still have 38 pounds to go myself to a satisfactory weight for myself. It takes lots of work and perservance, great job and thanks for sharing.
E-mail Address :   [email protected]
Are you a Boot Camp Buddy? Your alias? :   No
Suggestions? :   Keep up the good work!
First Name :   Kristy Miller
URL :   yahoo
Comment :   Keep up the good work. You look great!
E-mail Address :   [email protected]
Are you a Boot Camp Buddy? Your alias? :   no
Suggestions? :   
First Name :   chari
URL :   
Comment :   Your site is a wonderful one to see and read, however, you have gone from pretty to beautiful! Plus being healthier, worth the long search, you bet!! Congratulations.
E-mail Address :   [email protected]
Are you a Boot Camp Buddy? Your alias? :   Yes, chari
Suggestions? :   Keep it up, you look teriffic!
First Name :   Ashlee
URL :   
Comment :   I love your site and most of all your writing pieces. You are a great inspiration. Im struggling a lot just now,and the sadness I feel in the Xmas season doesnt help either. Im going to start looking/reading your information often and see if it helps. Gre
E-mail Address :   
Are you a Boot Camp Buddy? Your alias? :   Ashlee
Suggestions? :   Looks great
First Name :   Jerry
Comment :   I enjoyed visiting your site. I lost 39 pounds, and the story is on my website...Jer/humordoctormd
E-mail Address :   [email protected]
Are you a Boot Camp Buddy? Your alias? :   Mr. Wonderful
Suggestions? :   Visit my website
First Name :   Patrick
Comment :   Great Job! My mother in law looks great because of Weight Watchers too. I lost 20 lbs in 3 weeks and feel great. If you ever want me to publish your story on my website let me know. Keep up the great work!
E-mail Address :   [email protected]
Are you a Boot Camp Buddy? Your alias? :   no
Suggestions? :   Keep it up!
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