Oct. 13, 2002

Well, I have finally figured out definitivley who my emailer is. No doubt in my mind! I was recently appointed moderator at BCB and have thus been able to read IP addresses. hehehehehehehe
I had saved the email my emailer had sent me, and it was complete with IP addresses. The silly thing claims to be a network administrator, and yet she sent me an email complete with headers. LOL! Uh, I think not!
Anyway, as moderator I can view IP addresses at BCB and I went to a thread back in July by the person who I thought it was and BINGO!! A full and complete match. So I went to her other threads and matched her other IP address as well.
Now I totally understand the ugly email to me. This loser has no life and I am certain she is jealous of me and my success.
I don't know why though - if one starts out at 450 lbs. and has lost as much weight as she claims she has lost, that should be enough to be proud of, don't you think?
So here I am sitting at my computer, pleased as punch. I had guessed her right away, and it pleases me to know my reporter/detective skills are still honed.
So, I think I will let it be. But if she messes with me, first thing I will do is send all the info to the board owner and then I will post everything I have on the internet so everyone can see how sick she is.
I think I have the upper hand...hehe
Anyway, my surgery is right around the corner. I won't know until Thursday if it is a go - there were some issues with my urine creatinine levels and my chest X-ray (which they had me retake). Once that is sorted out and the surgeon says it is a go I will be working on getting my head straight for the surgery.
I am scared to death, but determined to do this. We only live once, after all!
For those of you reading this, please pray for me. Not that I get the surgery, but that the tests turn out good.
If I can't have the surgery I can live with that - at least it was useful in discovering that there are some medical issues I need to deal with.
Everything has a reason and a purpose, I believe.

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