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First Name :   Dianne
URL :   
Comment :   Good job and proud of you.
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Are you a Boot Camp Buddy? Your alias? :   diannelee
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First Name :   Judy Scott
URL :   
Comment :   Dear Karen, my heart goes out to you. As you may or may not know, my husband was recently diagnosed with terminal colon cancer that has spread to his liver. Over night I have become a care giver and unwilling head of the household. I live with this sadnes
E-mail Address :   [email protected]
Are you a Boot Camp Buddy? Your alias? :   Yes, Jersey j
Suggestions? :   Keep looking up!
First Name :   lisa
URL :   
Comment :   Diamond!!! you look wonderful. I must say that the black and white picture under the new chapter is just stunning! I know you are in BC. So am I. In fact, my mother is on the wait list to also have the surgery. I am wondering when your date is set..if
E-mail Address :   [email protected]
Are you a Boot Camp Buddy? Your alias? :   32lbs&counting
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First Name :   Denise
URL :   
Comment :   Congrats on your weight loss....but i would like to make one comment...i think you need to re-think the pS that you are using...and PS worth his salt would not perform a TT if the patient smoked....the complications are many. I had a TT and I had to quit
E-mail Address :   [email protected]
Are you a Boot Camp Buddy? Your alias? :   
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First Name :   Luanne
URL :   
Comment :   I've just read most of the entries on your site and you are truly inspiring. I've lost 78 pounds to date but haven't really been motivated in a year. I've maintained, but want to lose another 40 pounds and just can't find the old me. Not the fat old me bu
E-mail Address :   [email protected]
Are you a Boot Camp Buddy? Your alias? :   Yes! Craftinmom
Suggestions? :   don't stop posting, I have the feeling you're helping many!
First Name :   Joyce
Comment :   You've done a wonderful job, congrats!!
E-mail Address :   [email protected]
Are you a Boot Camp Buddy? Your alias? :   
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First Name :   Ali
URL :   
Comment :   I think you are very brave to be going through with the surgery. I have never been bothered by plastic surgery in moderation, and I can't think of anyone who deserves it more! You've worked so hard to lose weight and then worked to raise extra money! That
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First Name :   Lillian
URL :   
Comment :   I enjoyed reading your success. I am new to WW- lost 6lbs so far.
E-mail Address :   [email protected]
Are you a Boot Camp Buddy? Your alias? :   
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First Name :   Milena
URL :   
Comment :   I'm really glad to see you back on BCB!!
E-mail Address :   [email protected]
Are you a Boot Camp Buddy? Your alias? :   M111
Suggestions? :   
First Name :   Milena
URL :   
Comment :   I think you are a wonderful person, you have been strong for everyone who needs you. Please come back to BCB, we need you!!!
E-mail Address :   [email protected]
Are you a Boot Camp Buddy? Your alias? :   M111
Suggestions? :   
First Name :   Cherie
URL :   
Comment :   Diamond,My Friend! You have meant so much to me on my journey. Thank you for your honesty. I feel the same as you about so much. I had to chuckle while reading about your surgery. I have been complaining to my hubby about my breasts lately. All of a sudde
E-mail Address :   [email protected]
Are you a Boot Camp Buddy? Your alias? :   CherieC1
Suggestions? :   Write a book!!
First Name :   Alice
URL :   
Comment :   Thats areal good and keep up the good work it was nice to read your story. how did you stick to the 123 SS program? I find it hard and thats not a bad thing but I do want to loss this weight and I have tryrd and every timd I loss a few pounds I gained b
E-mail Address :   [email protected]
Are you a Boot Camp Buddy? Your alias? :   NO How can I become one
Suggestions? :   
First Name :   Susan
URL :   jefrado22
Comment :   Very powerfully written-MUCH better than WW mags or newspapers. Will you become an OFFICIAL leader now?
E-mail Address :   [email protected]
Are you a Boot Camp Buddy? Your alias? :   jefrado22
Suggestions? :   KEEP WRITING!!!!!!
First Name :   Norma
URL :   
Comment :   Found a link to your website thru Boot Camp. I'm concerned I may need to have this surgery done too, once I lose all my weight. Please keep us informed and in the meantime I'm going to visit EBAY!!(I'm hooked on ebay!!).Good luck to you and by the way I t
E-mail Address :   [email protected]
Are you a Boot Camp Buddy? Your alias? :   ivlighthouse
Suggestions? :   serenity prayer
First Name :   Ashlee
URL :   
Comment :   Just reading over a bit of your site "again" as I need a boost today. Sad news arrived, but I'm not overeating.
E-mail Address :   
Are you a Boot Camp Buddy? Your alias? :   Ashlee
Suggestions? :   Great site.
First Name :   Nikki
URL :   
Comment :   Thank you so much for sharing your lifestory with us. You have made me stop & think,laugh, and cry. My thoughts and best wishes will be with you on Oct.22
E-mail Address :   [email protected]
Are you a Boot Camp Buddy? Your alias? :   NikkiG
Suggestions? :   
First Name :   Jackie
URL :   
Comment :   Thanks so much for sharing your stories about your journey! I love reading your updates, and can't wait to see what you have to say about your surgery! Best of luck!
E-mail Address :   
Are you a Boot Camp Buddy? Your alias? :   JMC
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First Name :   Kathy
URL :   
Comment :   You are simply amazing..Can hardly wait to hear the final outcome of your surgery..You will be in my prayers that all goes great for you..Your site is awesome !! I also am considering having something like this done after I lose my weight..My back problem
E-mail Address :   [email protected]
Are you a Boot Camp Buddy? Your alias? :   Yes kap
Suggestions? :   Just stay strong..God will take care of the rest
First Name :   Jeanette
URL :   
Comment :   Karen, your description is halarious (maybe I shouldn't put it that way?), but too funny, and too true. I think all of us feel that way when we go for that first visit, but you put it into very accurate words. I can hardly wait to hear about the next visi
E-mail Address :   [email protected]
Are you a Boot Camp Buddy? Your alias? :   JeanetteSki
Suggestions? :   
First Name :   Ashlee
URL :   
Comment :   I have not looked at all the information on your site yet, but what I have looked at is SO INSPIRING and honest, but without complaining/whining. I absolutely LOVE your "after" pictures and your comments to your Mom under "Goal". I'm a big fan of my Mom,
E-mail Address :   .
Are you a Boot Camp Buddy? Your alias? :   yes Ashlee
Suggestions? :   Not really-it's a great site.
First Name :   Hanna
URL :   
Comment :   I love your page Karen! I come here to read and be amazed over not only your hard work and losses, but also over how many truths you have found. I cry reding about the child hiding behind the couch. That is what I want to do! You give me the strength not
E-mail Address :   [email protected]
Are you a Boot Camp Buddy? Your alias? :   Hanna
Suggestions? :   
First Name :   Kim
URL :   
Comment :   Thank you for sharing your story...I don't really know what to say, I'm in tears right now - very emotional and motivated by your story.
E-mail Address :   [email protected]
Are you a Boot Camp Buddy? Your alias? :   Kimber71
Suggestions? :   Keep being a mentor, we all need people like you to show us the way when we need a guiding light
First Name :   Jeanette
URL :   
Comment :   Go for it, girl!!
E-mail Address :   [email protected]
Are you a Boot Camp Buddy? Your alias? :   JeanetteSki
Suggestions? :   
First Name :   RT Bro- Chris
URL :   
Comment :   AMAZING SIS!... you look soooo WONDERFUL! .... your desire to achieve your personal goals are impressive and encouraging for others....a true imspiration you are! (((HUGS)) LOVE YA SIS!
E-mail Address :   you know it, silly!
Are you a Boot Camp Buddy? Your alias? :   Uhm, fishing buddy..does that count?
Suggestions? :   Keep SMiling, your STUNNING!
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