Trip to New York  ~  April, 2002

   They looked to be a typical group of tourists -- several mothers, one lone dad, and many more children. These people had not come for the sole purpose of sightseeing, however. These children were contributing artists to Messages of Hope, Peace & Love: A Gift for the Children Affected by September 11. They had flown from Seattle to New York City to distribute copies of the book. Among other people, they met with the assistant fire commissioner of the New York City Fire Department, to whom they presented the original watercolor paintings, which will be hung in the Fire Department Headquarters. The Messages group was also privileged to meet with Pat Lanza, an official with the Mayor's office. They gave him several signed volumes, and spoke to him at length about the September 11th tragedy, and meaning of the book and paintings. Mr. Lanza was kind enough to afterward escort them on a tour of the viewing platform at Ground Zero, as well as St. Paul's Episcopal Church, a haven for the rescue workers not usually open to the public. The children also were privileged to participate in a candlelight vigil for victims of violent crimes, which contained a special memorial to those lost in the WTC and Pentagon attacks. In Dreams I'll Meet You There, the poem included at the end of Messages, was recited during the ceremony by its author, Rachel Land. After the moving tribute, Mindy Brockstein, Crime Victims Advocate to the Attorney General of New York, greeted the young artists and their families. Several students presented her with their artwork.

   Don't be decieved -- these students and their parents also took in some of the fabulous sights of New York. Their travels included the Met, the Museum of Modern Art (MOMA), Greenwich Village, Soho, Times Square, Cenral Park, as well as many great restaurants. In the words of one of the young artists, "I love New York, and I want to go back!"

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