Roast Leg of Pork

7 lbs of butt end of leg of pork 7 large garlic cloves (1 garlic clove per pound of pork) 1 tablespoon of dry oregano 3-4 packages of "Saz�n" 7 teaspoons of salt (1 teaspoon of salt per pound of pork) � cup of vinegar � teaspoon of white pepper (optional) Procedure: - Peel garlic cloves and crush it into little pieces. - Add oregano and salt to crushed garlic and mix well. - Rinse pork leg with vinegar; then, rinse pork with water. - Make incisions 1"- 1 �" apart all over the pork leg and make sure the incisions reach approximately the center of the pork leg. - Season the interior of the pork leg with the mix of garlic, oregano and salt. This is done by introducing and spreading the mix into each one of the holes made in the previous step. - Season the pork leg exterior with "saz�n". - Place seasoned pork leg in close container and leave it in refrigerator for 2 days. - Remove pork leg from refrigerator, place on roasting pan, and cover with lid. - Heat oven to 350 �F, place roast pan inside oven, and cook for 3 � hours (30 minutes per pound of pork). Check pork leg temperature with thermometer. Change oven temperature to broil when pork leg temperature reaches 190 �F, and remove lid from roasting pan. Let the skin on top of pork leg get roasted; then, turn over pork leg to roast the other side. - Remove roasting pan from oven, let roasted pork leg stand for 20 minutes and cut it into slices of approximately �" - �" thickness or in pieces.
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