
� - 1 cup of milk 1 cup of corn meal � cup of all purpose flower 1 egg 2 tablespoons of sugar Procedure: - Place milk in small pot at medium heat and remove pot from stove when milk gets hot (do not let it boil). Turn off the stove. - Mix all ingredients with the excpetion of the milk. - Add the hot milk to the mix a little bit at a time until the mix becomes very consistent (not liquid). Normally, you will end up adding to the mix approximately � cup of hot milk. - Heat oil in frying pan at medium heat. - Place mix inside frosting cone. With cone over the oil (without touching it), squeeze the cone so the mix gets out and cut the mix every 2-3" to form the "sorullitos". - Fry the "sorullitos" and turn around until both sides are golden brown. - Remove "sorullitos" from frying pan and place them on paper towel to drain the oil they have absorbed.
Ingredients for "Sorullitos" Sauce
� cup of Ketchup � cup of mayonnaise 1 head of gralic Procedure for "Sorullitos" Sauce: - Peel garlic cloves and crushed into little pieces. - Mix all ingredients. - Slightly dip "sorullitos" in sauce before eating to given them some additional flavor.
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