
4 cups of coconut milk (use 1 dry coconut) 3/8 teaspoon of salt 2/3 cup of sugar 1/2 cup of cornstarch Ground cinnamon Procedure: - To get the necessary coconut milk, follow the following procedure: o Place coconut in Microwave Oven for 2-3 minutes to soften de inside. o Split coconut in two halves and with a spoon remove the coconut inside the shell. o With a potato pealer, remove the dark skin from the coconut. o Cut the coconut into little squares and place the coconut inside liquefier. o Boil 3 cups of water at medium high heat. When you bring the water to a boil, pour hot water in liquefier. Turn off stove. o Liquefy the mix at the highest speed until the mix looks pretty much liquefied (less than 1 minute). o Filter the mix using an strainer and pour the coconut milk in a large bowl. o Remove coconut left on strainer and place it back in liquefier and repeat the previous three steps again. This procedure should allow you to obtain about 1 � liters of coconut milk. From this quantity, utilize only a total of 4 cups of coconut milk in the following steps. Place two cups of coconut milk on a container. Place the other two cups of milk in a cooking pot (4-5 quarts of a gallon). - Cook the two cups of coconut milk on medium high heat. - When the coconut milk gets hot, add cornstarch to the milk mix on the container, and disolve the cornstarch by using a large cooking spoon to stir the mix. - Add the coconut milk with disolved cornstarch to the cooking pot. - Add salt and sugar to the mix and stir well. - Continue cooking the mix on medium high heat, stirring constantly until the mix thickens. - Turn to medium heat and cook for 4-5 minutes, stirring the mix constantly (faster than before). - Remove cooking pot from stove and turn off stove. - Pour water in a mold (9" x 12"), and drain the water from mold, but don't dry the mold. - Pour mix on wet mold. Let the mold cool off or reach ambient temperature. - Place mold in refrigerator for 2-3 hours to let the tembleque achieve its consistency. When it is ready, the tembleque consistency is pretty similar to that of gelatine. - Remove mold from refigerator, and dust with ground cinnamon.

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