cute ne?br><br>
		<p align= Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved.--- William Jennings Bryan

Jap Name: Yagami Taichi
Eng Name:
Tai Kamiya
Odiba Elementary

Taichi is somewhat THE main character of Digimon Adventures. He becomes the leader of the Chosen Children when they enter the digital world. He is ambious always trying as hard as he can. He doesn't like to give up and will do everything he can to reach his goal. He is also very couragous and keeps the group going as well as give support. He likes things to go his way and can be a bit stubborn and some times seem like a jerk. He has a problem with making mistakes and dealing with them. He trys to do the right thing and what he thinks is best for the team. These qualitys cause many clashes with the other main character Yamato. While Taichi tends to mess up alot he is a great leader and does make good decisions. His support and help keep the team going and stay alive while in the Digital world. It is obvious he is the one that keeps them as a team as when he accidently ends up back at home they all seperate and its Taichi who brings them all back together. He's a big loud and hyper but these qualities make him stick out, provide entertainment, and make him who he is.

Taichi is the holder of the crest of courage it suits him well. Throughout the series he continues to show this quality by never giving up and getting the others to do the same. Though he tends to get into trouble more than he should he always manages to find a way out and is always willing to help another team member no matter what they do. This comes in handy for dealing with the angsty Yamato. In the end it is Taichi's personality, and faith in Yamato that brings him to realize that there are people that care and wish to be friends with him. After leaving the group in the Dark Master's story arc he returns to help the others and to rejoin Taichi.

Taichi now lives in Odiba in an apartment after moving from Hikarigaoka when he was seven. He has a father, a mother, and a little sister, Yagami Hikari who is also a digidestined

Taichi is accompanied by a small orange dinosaur digimon known as Agumon. Agumon is nice and always willing to help Taichi. He keeps Taich from doing some stupid things though he sometimes does himself. He shinka to Greymon, then chou-shinka to Metalgreymon, and finally warp shinka to Wargreymon.He can also jogress shinka with MetalGarurumon to Omegamon.

I didn't bother to put 02 info here. If you want it you can e-mail me.

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