Archbishop Rowan Williams
Visits Egypt September 10-12, 2004

Archbishop Addresses Muslim, Christian Leaders,
Lays Foundation for Community Health Center
from the
Diocese of Egypt
Archbishop Rowan Williams made his first visit to the Diocese of Egypt since he became the Archbishop of Canterbury. The visit came at the end of the Annual Dialogue Meeting between Al Azhar Al Sharif, (the worldwide hub for Sunni Muslims) and the Interfaith Commission of the Anglican Communion that took place in Cairo.
Archbishop welcomed by government and religious leaders
President Hosny Mubarak welcomed the Archbishop in his office on September 11.  Sir Derek Plumbley, British Ambassador, also attended this meeting. The Archbishop expressed his appreciation for the care  shown to the Episcopalians in Egypt, especially as the President has recently issued a decree to build a large church in Menouf. The Archbishop also commended the Egyptian Government�s decision to establish the National Council for Human Rights that is led by former UN Secretary-General Dr. Botros Botros Ghali. Dr. Williams also noted his appreciation of Egypt's role in bringing peace and reconciliation for the long-standing problem of the Holy Land.

Dr. Williams was then welcomed by the Grand Imam of Al Azhar, Dr Tantawi, who expressed his appreciation for the friendship between Al Azhar and the Anglican Communion.  After his visit with the Grand Imam, Archbishop Williams visited Pope Shenouda.  Several Coptic Orthodox Bishops attended this, meeting in which they discussed a number of topics, including the overseas expansion of the Coptic Orthodox Church. Bishop Angelios of Stevenage and Bishop Antony of Newcastle came from the UK to attend this meeting. The following day, the Archbishop visited St. Bishoi Coptic Orthodox Monastery at Wadi el Natroon in the Western Desert.

During his visit, Archbishop Williams
addressed Christian and Muslim leaders at the Interfaith Dialogue established in 2002.
Archbishop, Government, Religious Leaders Lay Foundation Stone
for Episcopal Church's Community Health Center
Archbishop Williams traveled to Sadat City where he laid the foundation stone of Harpur Community Health Centre. The Grand Iman sent his deputy, Sheikh Fawzy el Zifzaf and Dr Ali el Simmam to join Dr, Williams in laying the foundation stone. The Governor of Menoufia, Dr. Saad el Din, welcomed the Archbishop. Bishop Mouneer, Sheikh Fawzy and the Archbishop gave short speeches. They spoke about it as a pioneering way of practical living interfaith dialogue. The Archbishop mentioned  that this project sets a good example for us in the UK on how Christian and Muslim communities could cooperate together in a practical way.
Laying the foundation stone for Community Health Center, Sadat City
Children from the Episcopal School in Menouf sang a beautiful song that expressed the importance of cooperation between Christians and Muslims. Children with Special Needs presented flowers to the main guests. It was a moving moment when the Archbishop, the Governor, Sheikh Fawzy, Bishop Mouneer and Dr. Ali Samman started to lay the foundation stone for the project.

The Egyptian T.V. and the Pressdescribed this event as a pioneering way of practical living interfaith dialogue. The Archbishop noted that this project sets a good example on how Christian and Muslim communities could cooperate together in a practical way.
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Agreement Signed with al-Azhar al-Sharif,
Interfaith Commission Established
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