File Cutting and Rejoining Utility (CutF)
Best for Floppy Disc Transport of Big Files

What's the Problem?

Some times you may need to carry big files through floppy discs. It's a real problem since you need to first cut  files  then copy it to floppies then transport it to other machine and last of all joining back to original size. You need to install slicing utility to both the machines. So you need to carry CD/Extra Floppies to carry the installer itself. It becomes real problem if you need to install the application in an Internet/office machine (You can't do that).
This utility is built to solve this problem.
It can cut, rejoin files. It doesn't have an installer, so no question of installing, size is so small that you can carry it with the same floppy that is carrying the cut files. It's completely automatic and easiest to use.

User's Advantage

* Extremely Small Size (Program size-10.5Kb, B&W-5.5Kb, Installer size-35K! Zip size-2.5K) (Nearest Sharewares are 100 times bigger). That means Copy & Carry it through almost completely filled floppies.
* Quickest/Easiest to Use (May be a console application but Powerful as windows app).
* No installation needed (Don't need to be an administrator to install it in a NT computer)
*Sliced files can also be joined by any text processor.


* Most Easy: First select the target file, then drag and drop the file on the utility's icon. System will run the application and serve data to it. The program then does the operation (cut/join) displays the summary. Everything is completed by a single mouse click.
* You Can Use it as a command line tool.
* You can give the file name by running the program first, then manually typing the file name.
* Join files by just giving the 1st file [] (It automatically scans & join others).


* Sliced File Size is Fixed at ~1.4 Mb/ There is some left (~12kb) over space to accommodate this utility (incase the target computer don't have CutF) and save space for bad sectors. [Run scandisk surface test on floppies first.]
* Files are sliced with the original file name + 1f, 2f, 3f ... added.(That sequence is needed for joining)
*File size limit: Theoretically  no file size limits exist(as much Window can handle).(Expect some minor visual problem if 99 files overflow).


Color , Black & White:
A Black & White Version is available with the same facility but at half size (5.5K only) of the color version (I had given that also if size matters to you.)(Just note that floppies containing files cut by B&W version has the extra space to accommodate the B&W program not the color version file.) Joining is not a problem,you can mix.

Commercial Usage is not expected.
Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, XP
Writers of LCC C Compiler (
Other Points

Why I Wrote this?
* Transport files from other's machines (May be NT running) and bring them to home through floppy discs.
* Not to request others to install cutting utilities on their machines.
* Not to carry extra CD/Floppies for Big installers.

 Thanks everybody related to it.
Dipanjan Jana
Email: [email protected]

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