Helpful Websites
Bio 2640 home page
Human Anatomy & Physiology textbook
Human Physiology
The JayDoc HistoWeb
The Virtual Body
University of Pennsylvania Medical Animation Library
Tutorials and Quizzes
Biology Tutorials and Resources
Lab Help
Anatomical Models
A great way to test yourself!
University of Minnesota - WebAnatomy
A & P Lab Models Contains several of the models we use in lab.
The Stomach
Digestive System Diagrams
The Digestive System
Digestive System Models
Contains several of the models we use in lab.
Acid-Base Balance Websites
Practice Problems Acid-Base Imbalances This website is fairly concise and has answers for the practice problems at the end.
This website has a lot of practice problems at the end, but apparently it lacks the answers.  I will try to do them this weekend - email me if you would like the answers.  (Plus, it is a pdf so it may take a while to load if you have dial-up.)
Introduction to Acid-Base Balance
Cat Dissection Websites
Virtual Cat Dissection
Other Websites
Beating heart
A "The Far Side" strip
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