0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

odot.gifJagged Alliance
John Tan
When it is your opponents turn to move
quickly press [Ctrl+F] and the right to
move will go back to you without giving
your opponents a Chance to move.

Rodney Dunn
 Move your merc until his action points turn red, then click
 on reserve points and you can move him as far as you want. 

Artie Konin
Want extra equipment? Make sure you are in your sector. Press
Alt+S to quick save your game. Then take an item from the 
speed inventory bar on the bottom of the screen. Press Alt+R
to restore game. Now you have item in the hand and in the 
inventory (it was restored)! Now simply place this item into
the free slot of your inventory. You have two items!

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