0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

odot.gifQuest For Glory
This will only work on the VGA version of Quest For Glory 
(The same one that came with the QFG Anthology). Go to the 
fairy ring and pick up as many mushrooms as you can. 
Click the get icon on the mushrooms no more than 25 times 
(this will give you 75 mushrooms). Now go to the healer's 
hut, and start selling the mushrooms to her. After a few 
times, each time you try, she will tell you she already 
has enough mushrooms, but she will still take them and 
give you the 1 gold each time!  Beware though, after you 
do this, you will need to buy your healing, stamina, and 
power potions from the magic shop, because you will have 
to buy 10 of them from the healer just to get 1 in your 
inventory.  You will still be able to get the dispell 
potion though...

 As a thief to increase your lock pick skill, click the
 single lockpick on yourself and continue to do so.
 Lockpick skill must be 40 or over. Or continue to try and
 pick the healer's door. 

Here's how to edit the stats on your quest for glory 
character in any of the games.  You need a hex editor with 
search capability and a calculator that converts decimal to 

1 - Look at your character sheet twice and then save a copy 
    of the game that you're playing.
2 - note your strength and inteligence.
3 - go to your game directory.  The save game files are of 
    the form name.000, name.001, name.002 etc.  The name 
    will be dependant on the game so, for example, in QG2 
    the name is trialsg.  We'll use this as an example.
4 - do a dir trial.* in your and note the one with the 
    latest modification date and open it up in your hex 
5 - The attributes are hexadecimal numbers separated by 0's 
    so if your strength is 200 (C8 HEX) and your inteligence 
    is 130 (82 HEX) search for the pattern C8 00 82 00.  You 
    will find it twice.  The first set is the current values 
    of your stats and the second set is the maximum values 
    of the status.  In both cases the numbers continue 
    something like C8 00 82 00 64 00 32 ...  they map 
    directly to the stats and skills on your character 
    screen.  Change them at will.  You can do a similar 
    technique to locate any particular stat that you want to 

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