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Quote of the week
And, as I always say, "If it's not Baroque, don't fix it!" - Cogsworth [Beauty and the Beast]



Rolly: I'm hungry, Mother. I'm hungry.
Perdita: Now Rolly, you've just had your dinner.
Rolly: But I am, just the same. I'm so hungry I could eat a... a whole elephant.

Cruella: You idiots! You fools! You imbeciles!
[bursts out crying]
Jasper: Ahhh... shaddup!

Roger: We'll buy a big place in the country. We'll have a plantation... a Dalmatian plantation!
Anita: Oh, Roger, that's truly an inspiration.
Nanny: It'll be a sensation!
Roger: We'll have a Dalmatian plantation. A Dalmatian plantation, I say.

Lucky: I'm tired and I'm hungry and my tail's froze and my nose is froze and my ears are froze. And my toes are froze.

Colonel: They say the ol' place is haunted or bewitched or some such fiddle faddle.
Seargent Tibs: Fiddle faddle and rot, sir.
Colonel: Just the same, Sergeant, use extreme caution. No telling what sort of hocus pocus you might run into.

Jasper: Now, you've been gone and done it. You've cut me to the quick, lady. Why, I wouldn't stay here if you asked me to.
[Nanny tries to throw a teapot at Jasper, but it misses and breaks]
Jasper: Not even for a cup of tea.

Patch: That old Dirty Dawson! The yellow-livered old skunk! I'd like to tear his gizzard out.

[Pongo sees Perdita for the very first time]
Pongo: Well, now that's a bit more like it! The most beautiful creature on four legs!

Jasper: I ain't gonna hurt ya.
Horace: But I thought we was gonna pop 'em off.
Jasper: Shh, shut up!


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