--Storm is the descendant of an ancient line of African priestesses, all of whom have white hair, blue eyes, and the potential to wield magic. Her mother, N'Dare, was the princess of a tribe in Kenya. She married the American photojournalist David Munroe and moved with him to Manhattan, where Ororo was born.
--When Ororo was six months old, she and her parents moved to Cairo, Egypt. Five years later, their home was destroyed by a bomb. Ororo's parents were killed, but she survived, buried under rubble near her mother's body. This traumatizing effect left Ororo with the severe claustrophobia that still afflicts her today.
--Homeless and orphaned, Ororo came under the tutelage of master thief Achmed el-Gibar. She became his prize pupil in thievery and in picking locks.Years later, feeling a strong urge to go south, Ororo journeyed alone across the Sahara Desert and finally reached her ancestors' homeland, the Serengeti Plain, which lies in the modern nations of Kenya and Tanzania. By this time her mutant power to control the weather had emerged, and she used them to help the local tribes, who worshipped her as a goddess.
Ororo remained with the tribes for years until Professor Charles Xavier recruited her into the new team of X-Men he was assembling. She was given the code-name "Storm" after her power to affect the weather. Except for brief periods away from the team, Storm has remained in the X-Men ever since and shares leadership of the X-Men.

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