Make Parchment

Parchment - What every student at Hogwarts School of Witch Craft and Wizardry uses to keep their notes on.

You Will Need: 

Note: It is preferable to do this outside or in a well ventilated room, or you will stink the house out after you have used the coffee : )

1.    Start by scrunching each sheet of A4 paper a minimum of three times, also making a couple of tares around the edges.

2.    Pour the luke warm water into the tray and add a spoon of the coffee granules and make sure they are all dissolved before you move on.

3.     Wearing the rubber gloves from this point on, place a sheet of your crumpled and torn A4 paper into the mix flattening it out and making sure it's completely submerged in the water.

4.    sprinkle another spoonful of coffee granules over the paper leaving them to settle for about 30 seconds, then start to dissolve them fully by mixing them up into the water using your fingers. (looks yucky I know)

5.    turn the paper over and repeat step 4 on the other side.

6.    carefully take the sheet of A4 paper out the tray, remembering that it is wet and soft and if handled roughly it WILL tare! Place the sheet on a flat surface, better outside in the sun, but a warm place will do. if you are drying the sheets of paper outside this is where the heavyish objects come in, place one in each corner of the paper to stop it from blowing away or doubling up on it's self.
If you are drying it inside in a warm place I STRONGLY suggest you put something protective down first as it WILL leave a mark if you don't.

7.    Repeat steps 3 threw to 6 for every sheet of A4 paper you crumpled.

8.    Once it is dry roll the sheets of paper into cylinders so they obtain the shape of roles of parchment.

9.    There you have it! You now have sheets of parchment to take to class with you - now you have no excuses not to take notes : ) Oh and say hi to Professor Snape for me : )






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