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Beware of Con and Scam

In a city like Hatyai, it is inevitable that there will be some who are out to make a quick buck from unsuspecting travellers through various cons and scams. Some are reported in the forums, but there are probably many more unreported cases.. We hope that by highlighting the reported cases here here, travellers will be more alert and wary of them. The following are cases highlighted in the various internet forums.

Middleman masquerading as helpful samaritan in internet forums

There is a middleman who have being using internet forums to make money out of unsuspecting travellers by posing as a helpful samaritan to guide them in Hatyai out of goodwill. The truth is that he is taking kickbacks from the places that he bring travellers to, like KTV shops, travel agency (707 in particular) and some entertainment joints.

Here are several reports posted in forums by those who had fallen prey to this middleman:

  1. Report posted by Dekuip in Sam's Forum
  2. Report posted by KLKOOL in Sam's Forum
  3. Report posted by Taurus75 in Sam's Forum
  4. Report posted by kingstar in Sam's Forum
  5. Report posted by nanog69 in Sam's Forum
  6. Report posted by cyborgman in WSG Forum
  7. Report posted by GotCon in WSG Forum - latest 8 Nov

How to recognise this middleman

Firstly, just understand that there is no free lunch in this world. You either pay directly, or indirectly. So take all the assurances of goodwill and friendship in the forums with a large dose of skepticism, especially from this middleman.. He will readily bring you to places in his Toyota 4WD to eat or night entertainment joints when you are in Hatyai, but you will be overcharged in your bills to cover for his kickbacks.

Secondly, watch the person's lifestyle. If the person appears to be free all the time without having to work, then be wary. His story is that he has sufficient rental income from the properties he own in Thailand that allows him not to work. This is not truth. His current source of income is from kickbacks collected behind your back, as well as sales from his MLM products. This middleman's favourite hangout is Deep Point Cafe at See Kim Yong. At this cafe, he can monitor who is going to which KTV shops there. For newbies who unknowingly contacted him, he will usually ask them to meet him at this cafe. This is because he get kickbacks from Deep Point Cafe for every order of beverage or food made by those he met there. Furthermore, you are expected to pay for all the beverages that he orders for himself.

Thirdly, watch his reaction when you visit the KTV shops together with him. If he tells you not to bargain, then be cautious because he gets more commission if you pay the higher price. Travellers to See Kim Yong KTV shops have been charged 2500 to 3000baht when he brings them along during non-peak periods, when the market price is 1500 to 2000baht.

Fourthly, he will always recommend to you this particular salon opposite BP Tower hotel called "Apple" if you want to go for foot massages. This is because he is getting commission for every customer he brings there, and will also encouraged you to try their haircut or facial treatment too. The more you spend there, the more he gets as commission.

The middleman's network in the forums

The middleman does not operate alone. He has his own group of loyal supporters in the forums. Some will praise him openly and post "thank you" message to him, while others will defend him when attempts are made to expose his misdeeds. One even goes to the extent of posting fake field reports in Sam's forum to try to lure unknowing readers to this middleman's trap. If you wish to learn more about these fake field reports, please click here.

For their support, his supporters will get little favours in return from him when they visit Hatyai. One of his accomplices boasted that he managed 25 "shots" with his escort in a single day, attributting this feat to the middleman for his recommendation. Others get underage virgin girls, university students, cafe waitresses, dancers, etc. For these favours, they will promote and aggressively defend him against whoever tries to expose his scam.

The middleman's "virgin" scam

This is a recent scam involving an attempt by this middleman to sell young virgin girls in Hatyai on internet forums. However, there were much disbelief as there were similar scams of prostitutes undergoing hymen reconstruction to fool customer into paying exorbitant price for their fake virgnity. In this case, the asking price is 20,000baht for anyone interested to "deflower" the girls. Here is the posting by the middleman in ISG, WSG and Sam's forum.

New WL In See Kim Yong

Thought I keep you bros updated on the KFC scenes in Hatyai.

There are 4 new girls now in See Kim Yong, 3 of which came today. I've seen the one who came a few days earlier.

Basically, they are direct from the Kampung and 2 of them are virgins.

The one that I have seen is 19 years old, virgin and is waiting for the "right guy" to deflower her. The "right guy" would mean the guy who is willing to pay 20K baht according to the boss. (Of course, there will be someone whose going to say it is cheaper and middle issues too )

It will be a first book - first serve

I'm trying to see if I can take her pics to post in my private section of my gallery. Anyway, bascially, her face is quite pleasant although she's very slight big, more so on her arms which is a common feature of those who just came from the village used to working in the fields.

Tee Vee



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