Shleimus Ha’aretz. Yerusholayim Is Not For Sale. Overnight - a massive construction. On top of Jerusalem mountain. At campus luring innocent souls. To drink from the forbidden fountain. Like many before. They’ve came here for war. We’re warning them now it won’t pay. ------------------------------------------------- Jerusalem - her holiness crying Defiling her dearest location. Politics blinding sense of pride. Are we not the Chosen Nation. Together as one We will overcome. Bringing her freedom today. ------------------------------------------------- Chorus: Yerusholayim is not for sale. Voices crying. Thundering throughout the cities. You better run for your life. Back to Utah overnight. Before the mountain tops open wide And swallow you inside. Yerusholayim your foes will fail. Senseless trying. He’s guarding His holy city He’s punishing all its intruders so awfully. They have perished their names are history. ------------------------------------------------- The wars, the pain, Brought masses returning. Back to their roots more than ever. The leftist fiercely fighting truth. To dampen the sparks still burning So wake up my friend This is the very end The arrows are pointing our way. ------------------------------------------------- les paroles peuvent être trouvées sur la toile à cette adresse :