Name: Bierrez
Gender: Male
Race: Yokai
Image Color: Orange and Black
Eye Color: Orange
Hair Color: Yellow and orange
Ability: Receives from Kharl powers in his right arm
Character: Devilish; Perverse
Likes: Cesia; Cesia's cooking
Hates: People who control others; Kharl; Fedelta
Fears: Rath
Specialty: Encounters many monsters; Independent; Many strange friends
Hobbies: Going to eat at Cesia's dining hall (Past)
Interest: Queen Cesia; Gil
Weak Points: Black Cesia; Unlucky; Cesia; Superior demons
Loved Ones: Cesia
Associate: Demon with turban that gave an arm to him (No name); Gray Heaven
Policies: Taking orders is bad, so be your own leader; Say you hate the things you like
Type: Bully
>>>Bierrez was originally a Yokai under Nadil's army, but he greatly disliked taking orders and being commanded around by rude staff officers. He did his best to be independent without drawing attention to himself, dragging his friends along and getting into trouble with them. He came across the possessed form of Illuser and was nearly killed by it, and ever since then, he has had fearful feelings towards Rath. When Rath supposedly killed him at the Dragon Castle, he was absorbed into Rath and spared.

>>>He cares more for Cesia than anyone else he knows, and he devoted himself to protect her just moments after meeting her. He wants to help her, whether it be by waging war with the Dragon Tribe, or joining the Dragon Tribe to stop Nadil. For helping him, Gil is also one of the few that Bierrez has come to be friendly with. He hates a good share of Nadil's army, as higher status demons bossed him around, which he despised. He also hates Kharl, who took control of him and used him like a puppet.

Now >>>Bierrez has been revived by Cesia out of Rath. He has decided to do as Cesia commands, devoting himself completely to her. He has realized his place as the Red Dragon Officer, but he is unsure if he will be able to complete the task of joining the Dragon Tribe. He realizes that Rath is in great danger, and that he was spared death by Rath, and that now he should help stop the fighting.

Currently >>>Bierrez is outside Nadil's castle.
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