Name: Cesia
Gender: Female
Race: Yokai/Dragon
Magic: Wind Magic (Whirlwind magic; Vacuum magic; Fog illusion; Other)
Item: Wind Staff; Nadil's Seal
Image Color: Red, Purple, and Pink
Eye Color: Gold (True Dragon Eyes)
Hair Color: Black hair/Purple forelock
Ability: Wind magic; Increases another's power; Speaks to animals
Character: Independent
Likes: Flower arrangement/gardening; Freedom; Dragon Tribe
Hates: Discomfort; Nadil; Shydeman; Shyrendora
Specialty: Fortune-telling; Cooking
Hobbies: Having picnic lunches with Dragon Queen
Interest: Dragon Tribe; Rath's secrets
Foster Parent: The Man-Eating Witch
Weak Points: Catches curses easily
Type: Eldest Daughter
Past >>>Cesia was supposedly sold to Nadil's army by her real parents. She was raised by a man-eating witch named Par Par, who taught her to use wind magic effectively, as well as to excel in fortune-telling. She was kept prisoner and in her Yokai disguise due to a magic ring that she was forced to wear. She despised being treated like an animal, being forced to be more like a Yokai than anything else, so when the Dragon Knights accidentally killed Par Par, she was pleased to switch sides and join the Dragon Tribe. 

>>>She is extremely powerful, and she doesn't even have control over her own powers. Cesia can control the power of the wind, creating illusions and whirlwinds to outsmart her foes. She is also a fortune-teller, as she had been taught by a witch, so the Dragon Tribe made her their fortune-teller despite her being a Yokai. She was also blessed by the Heaven's Star Princess with the ability to use the Wind Staff, allowing her to control souls and revive the dead at her command. The power that she possesses that Nadil most seeks after, though, is her ability to strengthen the powers of others around her, without her even being aware or able to control it.

>>>Cesia cares for Rath very much and wants to protect him from the painful things that he suffers, she even swore to him that she would not let him die. She would do anything to protect him or help him, including surrendering herself to Nadil's army to spare him and the Dragon Tribe more pain. She is grateful of the Dragon Tribe for allowing her safety within the Dragon Castle, and the protection the Dragon Lord has given her. Having been treated like an animal by them, Cesia greatly hates Shydeman and Shyrendora, who seem to cause her more grief than Nadil himself. She hates Nadil, though, for the fact that he is trying to cause pain to those she cares about using her.

Now >>>Cesia has learned to use the powers of the Wind Staff completely, using Diolasis. She can revive the dead and change locations in the blink of an eye with little trouble.

Currently >>>Cesia is going to lead a group back to the Dragon Castle using the Wind Staff, so that she can return Rath home.
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