Name: Fedelta
Gender: Male
Race: Yokai
Image Color: Red and Black
Eye Color: Red
Hair Color: Red and black
Ability: Flame magic
Character: Deeply jealous; Hurts people in a stealthy manner
Likes: Shydeman
Hates: Gil (because Shydeman cared about Gil); Bierrez and lower demons; Women
Specialty: Being independent but remaining loyal to Shydeman
Hobbies: Bullying Gil; Bullying Sabel
Interest: Sabel
Weak Points: Understands little past what Shydeman teaches him
Respects: Shydeman
Loved Ones: His loyalty to Shydeman
Type: The mean girl who bullies the protagonist in fairy tales
>>>Fedelta is Shydeman's loyal spy. He does anything Shydeman tells him to do without complaint. He likes to be alone, and he keeps to the shadows most of the time. He is cruel and likes to put others down, making sure they feel inferior to himself. He lacks confidence in what others do, and he thinks that he must do a job himself to get the work done. He's constantly getting in the way of things, trying to buy time for others to get their work done and such. He's not entirely powerful, but he gets in the way enough to be a nuisance.

>>>The only one that Fedelta truly cares about at all is Shydeman. He's extremely jealous of those that Shydeman likes, and he wants to hog any praises and glory for himself. He greatly dislikes Gil, merely because Shydeman was amused by Gil. He also is annoyed constantly by Sabel, and he's always finding ways to poke and tease at him. He enjoys scaring people, and he does so constantly with his sneaking around and popping up at random.

Currently >>>Fedelta has attacked the group outside Nadil's castle.
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