Name: Lykouleon
Gender: Male
Race: Dragon
Item(s): Ver. 2 Imperial Dragon Sword
Fighting Dragon: Light Dragon (Shin)
Image Color: Gold
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Gold
Ability: Light; Blood of nobility (poisonous blood); Emotional; Powers of Dragon Lord
Character: Family-man; Gentle; Childish
Likes: Raseleane; Tea meetings; Escaping the castle
Hates: Demons
Specialty: Escaping the castle
Hobbies: Hunting demons; Riding Darnas; Dressing as Hugh so that he can escape the castle; Traveling alone
Interest: Rath
Weak Points: Alfeegi's lectures; Being restrained; Rath's true feelings; Sweetness; Expresses himself too much; Self-criticizing; Self-sacrifice of Light Dragon
Loved Ones: Raseleane; Rath; (Dusis)
Treasured Memory: Traveling alone for a long time with the Light Dragon (Met with human Kaistern on the way)
Friend: Ruwalk
Lover: Raseleane
Type: Princess-protecting knight
>>>Lykouleon is the Dragon Lord, protector of Dusis. His powerful blood makes it difficult for weak Yokai to live in his world, as the royal blood is like pure light, and only Yokai who he protects are unharmed by it. His blood is poisonous to touch, and very few have the ability to survive it. Lykouleon is very caring and generous, as well as forgiving and protective. He constantly throws himself into danger to protect those closest to him. When Nadil kidnaps his queen, he goes, alone, to fight to win her back, ignoring the danger. He greatly dislikes Nadil, since the Demon Lord is always hurting those important to him in some way or another. Lykouleon likes to travel, so he hates being pent up inside the castle. He goes to great lengths to escape the castle and adventure on his own.

>>>He loves Raseleane very much, and wants nothing more than to protect her from Nadil's evil ways. Even after she loses valuable things to the Dragon Tribe, he refuses to give her up, and vows to protect her. Lykouleon is deeply concerned about Rath and the way he feels, and he wants Rath to have trust in the Dragon Tribe despite the things that had happened. He feels very strongly that all the lives given for Rath were not wasted, and he wants to be able to protect Rath. He gave his blood and flesh to turn Rath into a human child, and he's grown to care very deeply for his only heir.

Currently >>>Lykouleon is dying from a completed curse placed on him by Nadil. Rath's fate has supposedly been placed in his hands, and a dragon-like creature has approached him. He has collapsed within the Dragon castle.
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