Name: Rim Kaana
Gender: Female
Race: Yokai/Spirit Tribe
Image Color: Pink and Red
Eye Color: Red
Hair Color: Brown/Pink
Ability: Thread-working (In previous Yokai form)
Character: Likes fun things; Free
Likes: Rune
Hates: Fedelta
Specialty: New form
Hobbies: Helping Rune; Being in high places; Clothes
Interest: Rune; Tintlet's memory; Speaking about feelings
Weak Points: Inexperienced; Rath; Unprofessional; Child-like
Loved Ones: Rune
Type: Only child
>>>Rim Kaana was originally the guardian of a forest ruin in Kainaldia, working under Fedelta. She was sent to capture Rune and Varawoo's power, but she turned against Nadil's army when Fedelta lost faith in her and did her job for her. She saved Rune and joined their fight against Nadil. She had the ability to use thread, but Rune and Tintlet transformed her from a Yokai to one of the Spirit Tribe to save her from Fedelta's dark magic. She is the other half of Riru Riiru. She is extremely childish, and she deeply loves dressing other people up, as well as changing her own style of clothes. She grows annoyed easily, though, and isn't shy about showing people when she is mad.

>>>She likes Rune, but fears to tell him her feelings, afraid of hurting Tintlet in the process. She wants to be around Rune and do anything to help him. Rim hates Fedelta for having lost faith in her while she was trying to do her work, and for being constantly spied on. She was also nearly killed by him, so her spiteful feelings only grew. She dislikes Nadil's army and wants to protect Rune from them.

Currently >>>Rim Kaana has decided to follow and help Rune and is currently outside Nadil's castle.
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