Name: Sabel
Gender: Male
Race: Yokai
Pet: Demon Fish Galaba; Meteora
Image Color: Emerald Green
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Emerald green w/darker mesh on left side
Ability: Water magic; Controls corpses (Puppetmaster); Link to Nadil's power
Character: High-speed lunatic; At ease; Pleasant criminal; Polite, but intentfully rude; Secretive
Likes: Fun things; Interesting things; Quick things; Sleep; Water
Hates: Fire; Fedelta; Boredom; Extra time
Specialty: To joke and have fun; Doing things for Nadil
Hobbies: Riding Galaba; Walking
Interest: Murdering; Corpses; The Water Dragon
Weak Points: Nadil; Spirit Tribe; Not knowing why the Spirit Tribe hurts him (No memories of why)
Respect: Nadil
Loved Ones: Nadil (Because Nadil gave him magic, Galaba, and Meteora)
Lifework: Gathering the souls of the dead and protecting Nadil's castle with them
Type: Youngest child
>>>Sabel is a corpse-gathering demon under Nadil's army. He gathers corpses and uses them like puppets, and he protects Nadil's castle in a sea of souls stolen from those he kills. Despite his dreary job, Sabel finds amusement in any way possible, and he grows extremely bored when he isn't doing something productive. He has a light sense of humor, and he can find nearly anything amusing. His happy attitude is only brought down by his quick temper, as he is easily angered when the situation becomes serious.

>>>He greatly fears the Spirit Tribe, as whenever such light magic is used in his presence, he is put through great pain, and his body can create portals to different worlds. He has no memory of why such a reaction occurs, and he's secretive about it around other demons. Sabel is rather amused by Rath, and is curious as to why a Yokai would willingly help the Dragon Tribe. He adores Galaba and Meteora, the two gifts given to him by Nadil. He wants to help and protect Nadil, but such devotion hides the fact that he actually has fear towards the Demon Lord. Sabel hates Fedelta and Shyrendora, who treat him like a small child. The veins on his arms and legs are actually from a spell placed on him by Shyrendora to protect him from the Spirit Tribe, but the spell seems to work little for its original purpose.

Currently >>>Sabel is traveling through the Dragon Castle, assumed to be looking for the dying Dragon Lord.
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