Name: Zoma
Gender: Male
Race: Yokai
Image Color: Red and Black
Eye Color: Purple
Hair Color: Greenish-Gray
Bird: Herumu (Helm)
Character: Started as Cesia's protector, like a little knight, but became more cowardly
Likes: Cesia; Walking; Being a transmitter of important information
Hates: Nadil�s army; Sabel; Fedelta
Specialty: Passing through a magical mirror; Using a twig to choose between two paths; Being a lost child
Hobbies: Riding bird
Interest: Searching for Cesia�s parents
Weak Points: Nadil�s army; Moving corpses; Gets lost easily
Loved ones: Cesia
Weapon: Dagger
Type: Little Forest Fighter
>>>Zoma was originally Left Bird until a complication when dealing with Rath split him apart and turned him into a human without the ability to walk and a bird. He ended up within Nadil's army, becoming close friends with Cesia. He wanted to protect her, no matter what, even if it meant betraying Nadil's army to do so. He becomes extremely jealous and protective when it comes to Cesia, and he's horribly afraid of demons that are larger than himself, as well as generally scary things. But he is kind and helpful, and he does his best to fit in when he's feeling a bit out of place. Because of Rath's meddling, he was given the ability to walk and transform himself into a much larger version of Left Bird.

>>>He cares very deeply for Cesia, and he wants to do anything to protect her. He has come to appreciate the Dragon Tribe a great deal, feeling completely welcome there, despite the fact that he was on the opposing side previously. He likes Rath a great deal, wanting to protect him like he did Cesia, not only for giving him his powers back, but for helping Cesia when he was unable. Zoma hates demons that are larger or more frightening than himself, so he fears Fedelta, who pops up and scares him easily, as well as Sabel, who uses corpses.

Currently >>>Zoma is in his bird form, outside Nadil's castle.
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