My special greetings to the member of our family in the Philippines, the Mayordomo Branch: the Juliet (Gaming), ChinChin, Mimi, JoJo, Beloy and his family, Armin and his family, Inday Arlene and her family, and Papa and Mama in Law!

Here are the 5 sisters at Iloilo airport, departure on January 2008 (from left to right: Inday Arlene, Chinchin, Juliet, Virginia and Mimi)

Latest great event: the marriage of Cheryle (ChinChin) and Janilo in August 17 this year (2008)

Meine anstrengende Familie

mit den Kindern Robert (* 30.5.1990) Richard (*1.4.2000) und Ralf (*30.4.2001)

last update: October 2008

altes Bild von 2003:

Bilder von Ralfs 4. und Roberts 15. Geburtstag:

Im Kindergarten, Juni 2006

Richi wird 8 am 1.4.2008

Ralfi wird 7 am 30.4.2008

Ralfi wird 7 am 30.4.2008

Unser Otto, *22.7.1915 +31.5.2001

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