<BGSOUND SRC="The_Stranger.mid">
Just a little bit about me for any of those who are interested

  Hi first off I would just like to say that all of the pictures on my pages I picked up off other DeLorean sites. Now, my name is Tony Izzo III and I am 15 years old. I live in a small crappy town on long island called Syosset. Around here you dont see many DeLoreans but hopefully that will change. I have 2 seen different DeLoreans passing by my area and one of which was on christmas eve 1999. Man was that car beautiful. Any way I have always liked Deloreans even before I know anything about it. you see I was born 3/13/84 and I grew up with the "Back To The Future" movies and cartoon, and as most of us know the DeLorean is the time machine used in the movie. ever since I was a little kid I always wanted to own a car with weird doors, and when I saw Back To The Futue I fell in love. Hopefully soon my dream of having one will come true. Now it wasn't till summer that I realy started to look up info on the car and John Z. DeLorean, and with my 16th birthday coming up soon it was time I started to pick out a car as my first car. so with my mind on DeLorean's I went to my dad and told him my dissision. When my dad heard they were stainless steel he laughed. any way he didnt like DeLoreans because when they first came out his friend had one and to make a long story short he knocked down a parking meter when he opened the door, or so he says. any way after a long conversation he said that if I could get "B's" or higher in all my subjects that he would buy me a DeLorean for my birthday, and now I cant wait till March 13 2000. I have been doing beter in school and hope I get this car so bad.
well we'll see
MARCH 13, 2000
to see pics of my De Lorean click here

Well everyone I made my goal the second Quarter of school is over and report cards went home. i showed my dad the report card and he said "its good but not DeLorean good" so after a lot of convincing and stuff like that my dad says ok you can have a DeLorean but $15,000 is the limit. so that night(feb 28) I see a DeLorean on ebay(
click here)at $8,110 with a reseve of $15,000. so i told my dad and he tried to talk me out of the DeLorean again but I stood tall. any way i kept bugging my dad to call this guy so finaly he calls and says ok. so me and my dads partner flew to Grove city PA to see the car, man was it beautiful. that was the first time i have ever seen the inside of a DeLorean. well the guy Michael clooney who was very nice showed us the car and alot of paper work and we made the deal. I am so freakin happy. i took a couple of pictures that will be on this site soon when I get more. and I have a picture of me and Mike standing next to his ex-DeLorean and my future-DeLorean. Thanks Mike and I am gonna take good care of this wounderfull car.      The car should be here monday 3/6/00
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