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    In the waning days of the Old Republic the ranks of the Jedi numbered in the tens of thousands.  Many Jedis and their accomplishments were lost to the galaxy in the Dark Times.  In the days of the Empire the truths of the Jedis and their efforts became legendary.  In the time of the New Republic with the rise of the Jedi Knights those legends become truth once again.

    One such record spoke of a Jedi Knight called Xaleth Nuada.  

    Xaleth Nuada was chosen as a Jedi at an early age.  Earlier than most human Jedi, at least.  He was chosen in the womb.  Before he was even born it was decided that he was to join the ranks of the Jedi Knights.  His parents were both strong in their connection to the Force.  They knew this.  They too had been chosen.  Neither one had completed the full training to become a Jedi Knight.  And although they had their regrets from time to time, they too understood that their destinies lay upon a different path, from their fellows.

    It was when they conceived their first child that something changed between the two parents.  As the new life began to grow they felt an extraordinary connection to it.  It was as if this new life was a true combination of their abilities, their strengths, and their faith in the mysterious energy field known only as the Force.  So they went to an old friend, now a Jedi Knight for some years, to see if their yet unborn child could possibly have Jedi potential.  Testing showed promising results, and it was decided by the parents that this child would be given to the Jedi.  This new life contained the potential to fulfill both their hopes and dreams.  This new life could bring a small bit of hope back into dwindling numbers of the Jedi.  For it is said that even the smallest of things can have the greatest impact.

    Growing up in the Jedi Temple was no easy task.  It was not supposed to be.  But Xaleth turned out to be a focused student and an accomplished Jedi.  He was even known to be a mentor to younger students in the Temple.  Ever watchful, the old Jedi friend kept tract of his progress.  Impressed by his progress, the Jedi eventually took on Xaleth as his Padawan learner.  So it was that Xaleth Nuada trained under the tutelage of Acia Faer Jedi Knight and Twi�lek.  Xaleth's padawan braids were actually twin strands of braided hair, symbolizing his Master's head tails.

    Upon reaching his full Knighthood Xaleth Nuada was given one final lesson by Master Faer:

    �Remember, Xaleth, A Jedi never truly stops learning.  You must always continue to seek truth and knowledge.�

      So it was that Xaleth Nuada, Jedi Knight, left the Jedi Temple on Coruscant.  Xaleth's chronicles tell of his efforts to live out his Master's final lesson.  Records from various sources say that Xaleth's missions were those of exploration and research.  That is until he met up with an old friend and the galaxy changed...


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