Use of Codabar on Blood Component Labels

The characters that can be included in a Codabar barcode are: 1-9, $, -, +, :, /, .

The barcode must begin with a single start character (A, B, C, or D), followed by the data, and then a single stop character (A, B, C, or D)

Blood labels use different start and stop characters, and in some cases extra digits, to identify the field:

Data Format Example
Donor Number D + number + D 1234567 is coded as D1234567D
Product Code A0 + number + 3B 04350 is coded as A0043503B
ABO/Rh D + number + 0B
O Pos   = D510B
A Pos   = D620B
B Pos   = D730B
AB Pos  = D840B
O Neg   = D950B
A Neg   = D060B
B Neg  = D170B
AB Neg   = D280B
Facility ID A0 + number + 1B 1234567 is coded as A012345671B

Practical Note:

  1. To enter a barcode in a Microsoft Word document (or other program), for example, a unit number, type the number twice, including the start/stop codes on one number:


  1. Highlight the D1234567D and change the font size. For example use 12 point for the "CodabarLarge" font. It might be necessary to experiment with the font size, making it larger or smaller,  to make sure it scans accurately, without being too large for the printable space.

  2. Do not use Bold, Italic, or Underline for the barcode portion. You may modify the eye-readable portion

  3. Highlight the D1234567D and change the font to "CodabarLarge"

Rev: 7/18/06

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