                                      My Poems                                          
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Cant Take It

I dont want your simpathy
I dont want your sorrow
I just want to hold you until tomorrow
I cant take my life anymore
I have to end it now no matter what
I'm just  going to close the door
To my living horror
I Cant Take This Anymore

As I Fall

As I fall through my little life
I wish I had some one
Some thing to hold on to
To Keep me from Falling
Falling through your fingers
Through your love
As I fall I cant lay down the knife
Not now
Not never
I have a escape
I have Death as my door
I have not love I have not a door
to walk through with you
Death is all I have
So let me slip through
Let Me Fall

Lye there bleeding
i feel a sharp pain of rejection
all i see is you there infront of me
then i feel the rush and the look of agony on your face
i look down to see the surge of blood in my hands
i see you screaming but yet i hear not a sound
i feel my cold body drop to the floor
i feel the gaze of you apon me
i smile and speak the last breath of truth i have left
"tis i am here to live a life of love and joy,
but yet i find myself in pain and agony,
"take me now crule world, take me from this world" "
i feel the thrust of cold steal go into my stomic
then i realise what is happening
as i lye there bleeding
lost in all of time
and you saved me, and for this i will never forget
you are the reason i have my soul
and have met others to help me live
"thank you"

....In The End
in the end nothing matters
my soul had lost it's way when you lost who you were
i am nothing and never will be
so now i must take that long step
off the edge
i walk into the darkness and never look back
i know my fate
and i wont turn from it this time
i am nothing anymore but a *ReJected Soul*

"I live a life not meant for me, I have lost all love for those that love me, I am just another *ReJected Soul* "
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