Jennie's Cards 


Jennie's Card Preferences:

Favorite Colors - Aqua, Lavendar & Tinkerbell green (which is like a medim dark citrusy green).

Favorite Embellishments - FLOWERS!!  I'm loving the flowers lately as evidenced by the $40 I spent today.  RIBBON!!  Love ribbon!  PAINTS!!

Favorite Themes - I like Disney, but not all the time.   If you make me a Disney card it will hold a special place in my Disney scraproom. 

Other preferences:  I'm a paperaholic!!  I love all the cool new papers. 

All Occasion (6/06)



Thinking of You Front (5/06)                               Thinking of You  Inside (5/06)



Thank You Front (4/06)                               Thank You  Inside (4/06)


Birthday Front (3/06)                               Birthday Inside (3/06)



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