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Automotive Jokes

 For Skoda (or any other car you want)
Q: How do you double the value of a Skoda?
A: Fill it up with gas

Q: What do you call a convertable (or sunroof equipped) SKoda?
A: A Trash can

Q: Why do Skoda's have heated rear windows?
A: To keep your hands warm when you push it
Fast Yugo
 A man was driving along in his beat up old Yugo, when suddenly it
broke down. He was parked on the side of the road trying fix it, when
a Jaguar pulled up in front of him and offered to help.

After a few minutes the two men obviously weren't going to get the
old car going again, so the Jaguar driver offered to tow the
Yugo to the nearest garage.

A few minutes later the two had hitched up the old Yugo to the
Jaguar, and they agreed that if the Jaguar driver was going too fast,
the man should blow his horn and flash his lights to get him to slow down.

With that the two men got into their cars and the Jaguar driver started
to pull away with the Yugo behind it.
 You know you have too much HP when.......

1. The emissions test guy starts laughing as soon as you pull onto the rollers.

2. You can't drive your car in the rain.

3. Your 'significant other' is afraid to drive your car.

4. You are afraid to drive your car.

5. You spend more on tires than on food.

6. You spend more on car insurance than on house payments.

7. You look in a state police car and see a picture of your car taped to the dash.

8. You throw your underwear in the garbage rather than the hamper.

9. You have to go to the track to buy gas.

10. Your mechanic names the new wing of his shop after you.

11. Jacques Villeneuve and Michael Schumacher wave you by.

12. You can make the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs.

13. You're tempted to wear your fire suit just to drive to the office.

14. Red signal lights shift to green as you're approaching then shift back to red as you're receding.

15. You arrive somewhere before you left.

16. You get pulled over for doing 155 in a 35 but the cops will let you go if "they can look under the hood."

17. You remove the $2000 stereo system to save 6 lb. of weight.

18. You are not allowed to run in the Silver State Challenge.

19. You get an anonymous phone call asking if you are interested in being in the Cannonball Run.

20. Your face looks like you are riding a NASA centrifuge when you drive the car.

22. You need parachute braking.

23. 'significant other' won't even ride in the car.

24 There is no possible way to "sneak out" of your neighborhood at 6 am.

25. Your pets scramble for their hiding spots as soon as the garage door is opened. (Pets, and all the neighbors...)

26. Family photos throughout the house are replaced with ife-sized posters of your car.

27. Fuel is delivered to your home: in 55 gallon drums!

28. You carry earplugs in your car.(doesn't everybody???)

29. The only spot on the car which receives any regular cleaning is the windshield. (what else is there to clean???)

30. You find out that side mirrors don't hold up at speeds exceeding 145 mph.

At the first traffic light, a Ferrari pulled up beside the Jaguar and
started to rev his engine. As soon as the light turned green the
Ferrari and the Jaguar hit their accelerators and took off.
Before long the cars were racing at over 120 mph.

As the cars sped along, they passed through a police speed trap.
The officer couldn't believe his eyes when he saw the three cars go by,
and he decided that he couldn't catch them all by himself, so he
decided to radio for help: "You won't believe what I just saw!
I saw a Ferrari and a Jaguar doing 120 mph side by side,
and a beat up old Yugo behind them flashing his lights and
blowing his horn trying to get by!"

What Not to say to a cop when you get pulled over
 I only had one officer Mr. Keg..

Back off Barney, I've got a piece.

Want to race to the station, Sparky?

I know I was weaving, but I can't find the Honeycomb Hideout!

On the way to the station let's get a twelve pack.

You'll never get those cuffs on me...You Pussy!

Come on write the damn ticket, the bars close in 20 minutes!

Hey, wasn't your daughter a pork queen?

How long is this going to take? Your wife is expecting me.

Hey officer, is that your nightstick or are you just glad to see me?

I'm surprised you stopped me, Dunkin Donuts has a 3 for 1 special!

Yeah you can see my license and registration, officer, but could you hold my beer for a minute?

Hey, you must've been doing' about 125mph (200km/h) to keep up with me! Good job!

Sorry, Officer, I didn't realize my radar detector wasn't plugged in.

I thought you had to be in relatively good physical condition to be a Police Officer.

Excuse me. Is "stick up" hyphenated?

You know, I was going to be cop, but I decided to finish high school instead.

"Bad Cop! No Donut!"

I was trying to keep up with traffic. Yes, I know there are cars around, that's how far I am behind the other cars.

You're NOT gonna check the trunk, are you?

"Lets do it different this time... I will give you the breathalyzer test, now stick this in your mouth and blow"

Didn't I see you get your ass kicked on "COPS" last week on TV?

Wow, You look just like the guy in the picture next to my girlfriend's bed.

I bet I could grab that gun before you finish writing my ticket

So, uh, you "on the take", or what?

Gee, officer! That's terrific. The police officer yesterday only gave me a warning too!

Do you know why you pulled me over? Good, at least one of us does.

So, are you still crabby because your mamma didn't let you play with your gun when you were little?

Hey is that a 9 mm? That's nothing compared to this .44 magnum.

When you smack the crap outta me, make sure you smile for the video camcorder.

Is it true that people become policemen because they are too dumb to work at McDonalds?

Hey, you look like that girl I fucked a few days ago...

Aren't you one of the Village People?

Hey officer, want to see a trick? Look at your wife!
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