This fantastic and yet gruesome claw comes to me as a gift from one of my Muscle collecting homies Mischa.  It quickly was added to my claw favorites list.  Simply genius, I can not believe I did not think of it.  This little terd has been wreaking havoc on the weaker Muscle figures though, just look at the mess he made out of these guys.  Mischa used real razor blades to make this masterpiece just for authenticity.  That is actually my blood all over it from the photo shoot hahahaha.  Not really, but definately not a toy for the kiddies.  A special thanks goes out to Mischa for this awesome and wonderfully crafted pieces.
Claw Army
Although not my favorite character in the series, the claw is one of everybodies favorite Muscle Man.  One thing I think is cool about him is you can customize or color the claw almost anyway that you desire and it still looks good.  I started building up a claw army a few years back and it continues to grow to this day.  Enjoy!!!
I figured I would start with the basic muscle claws.  To the left there we have 8 colored claws.  The only color missing from the muscle spectrum is the magenta claw which has yet to be discovered. 
Next we have colored claw kinkeshi, here we have the full spectrum of kinkeshi colors (blue, red, green, yellow, and flesh) with the addition off green and pink which I have been told were made exclusively for a kinnikuman kinkeshi game.
Here we have one of the more prized items in my claw army.  This is a glitter kinkeshi claw figure.  The glitter kinkeshi are pretty cool and a little harder to come by than regular kinkeshi.  I think the claw one is awesome!
The beautiful arrangement you see here comes to you from the God Beast.  Here we have nearly 50 custom claws and what is fantastic about them is no two claws are the same.  Some glow, some sparkle, some opaque, some clear, but all of them rule!  The customs make up the majority of my army due to the variety they can come in.  I am always thinking of what to do next with them.  If you like these be sure to check out the other custom stuff on my TGB page.
Above we have what I named the "Comiclaws".  Each hand painted  by myself.  These quickly became a favorite part of my collection.  I am always thinking of what characters to do next.  I love these claws, if you do too be sure to check out my COMICLAW page for more detailed pics.
This rather cool piece is my metalliclaw.  It is solid metal (what type I am unsure of).  It is super shiny and extremely heavy compared to any other of my claws.  Pretty neat addition to the massive claw army.
I call these my Dental Prototype claws.  Using some dental materials and a machine crafted to make perfect match fake teeth and crowns we were able to produce these claws.  The machine is so specific if given the time and the right materials it would easily make identicle copies of any muscle man, no bubbles, no flaws.  It works by shaking and vibrating at such a speed that it can eliminate bubbles and craft false teeth to an identicle match.  Sadly the dentist working on these with me transferred and I have yet to get another dental hook up.
This little guy is a bootleg claw.  Nothing too special.
There you have it.  My claw army, my claw page.  It is always growing and currently has over 100 claws.  Painted claws from my contest soon to be added to this page (missing picture).  I hope you enjoy this page.  I hope to be adding to it regularly with new painted claws and new custom stuff.  If you have any claw items that you think would look good in my collection, drop me an email and I will pay you for it.
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