Skippy Spirits Info. Sheet




Client’s Name:                                          Dog’s Name:


Street Address:                                                      Postal Code:


Home Phone:                                                        Business/Daytime Phone:


Cell Phone:                                                           E-mail Address:



Brief Description of Dog(s):


Age:                          Color:                       Birthday:


Sex:                           Breed:                      Weight:



Payment Terms:


Cash:  If you are paying with cash, payment must be available at the time I walk your dog(s);

If I am walking your dog(s) per week, then payment must be available on each Friday.


PayPal: If you would prefer to send payment via PayPal, there is a $1.75 extra charge to your

Bill each time you make a payment. You MUST include your e-mail address on this form if

You intend to use PayPal.

I will send you a bill via e-mail each time payment is due. You are expected to send payment

by the next day, no exceptions.


Check: You can make payments via personal check if I have walked your dog(s) for at least

a month.



Please sign your name below to certify that you have read and agreed to these terms:




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