Rainers FAQ Hi, this is Rainer Moddemann  
Q: Who are you?
A: Well, I am an English & Art teacher at a comprehensive school over here in Germany, live in a house in Duisburg, Germany.
Q: How did you become a Doors-fan?
A: I saw them on TV way back in 1968, performing "Hello I Love You" for German TV. They were fascinating.
Q: Why did you start the fanclub?
A: Because Ray Manzarek suggested during a conversation in back 1981 that I should do a Doors fanclub. And I did. I started to publish "The Doors Quarterly Magazine" in 1983. The first issue was xeroxed and is now a collectors' item because just 60 copies were made.
Q: How many times did you meet The Doors?
A: Many times. I was invited to Ray's and Robby's house in Los Angeles a few times, and Robby visited me at home when I was living in Krefeld. And I met them on press-conferences and on the Père Lachaise once.
Q: Who is your favourite Door?
A: Jim, of course. And - Robby Krieger. Without him there wouldn't be "Light My Fire".
Q: What's your favourite Doors-song?
A: "I Can't See Your Face In My Mind", and "The End", and "Strange Days". The whole "Strange Days"-album is fascinating.
Q: Tell me about your books!
A: I wrote a big, coffeetable-sized book simply called "Doors" in 1991. It was published in Germany and has many unpublished Doors photos and a 50-page discography. Then I wrote "The Doors On Stage", this has all 200 Doors bootleg CDs in review and photo. I also wrote an article for Ross Clarke's "Dance On Fire" and many articles for magazines and newspapers. I also wrote The Jim Morrison Paris Guide and I am currently working on a new Doors book. That will surprise and shock a lot of people, open their eyes, wiping off some rumours and adding some astonishing new facts. I'll also add a big chapter analyzing ugly people who consider themselves being Doors-experts but are nothing but damn idiots.
Q: What do you think about Patricia Kennealy?
A: I love her. Her name ist Patricia Kennealy-Morrison, by the way.
Q:Who else do you like from the Doors-family?
A: Frank Lisciandro, great guy. Gilles Yepremian, Jim's friend from Paris, now one of my true friends. And all my other friends and fans.
Q: How many readers do you have?
A: I have no idea. A lot, I can tell you.
Q: What are you proud of?
A: I have a big Doors collection, including platinum awards I got from Robby Krieger, thousands of photos, probably a thousand vinyl records from all over the world, many CDs, a few Jim Morrison autographs, some private stuff from Jim, one of his golden awards for "Light My Fire", and a lot more things.
Q: Anything you still need?
A: Yes, I want to complete my record collection. I am still looking for some Italian albums and singles, and for some special bootleg CDs. I'd love to get a mono copy of The Doors Waiting for the sun album. Send your set sale lists, if you have anything to sell.
Q: What's your favourite website?
A: It's this one: "La Renaissance" because it is so funny. By now it definitely needs some updates. It is about the restaurant I usually go to when I am in Paris. A good place to meet Doors fans because it is close to the cemetery gates.
Q: How can I get in contact with you?
A: Well, write me a letter to my private address (Rainer Moddemann, Hohenzollernstr. 28, 47058 Duisburg, West Germany), or send an email to my private computer. You are also welcome to visit me, when you are around. But send me an email before, so I can clean up my desk!

Rainer Moddemann


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