Dr. Athena Roshar
I am Athena Roshar, Doctor of Egyptology. Much like Dr. Daniel Jackson I have devoted my life to uncovering the secrets of Egypt and answering the question that has been on every Egyptologist's mind ever since the position exsisted; How were or by whom were the pyramids built? We as a species were at a period of development in which it seems impossible that we could have built such massive tombs for our rulers.

I had spent the past year or two (before I came here) continuing Dr. Jackson's work and also trying to uncover what could have possibly happened to him. I understood that his grants had run out and he was evicted from his apartment. That does not explain however how he just seemed to dissapear off the face of the earth. About a year ago however I also found myself running low on money and supporters. I was in my most desperate and greatest hours when in comes Dr. Jackson. Shall I tell you the story? It won't take long.

I was sitting in a restaraunt spending eight of the 386 Egyptian pounds (about $100) that I had left. My grant had run out just when I was onto something. I had spoken to a man who had been living there near the Giza plateau all his life. He told me about when he was a child and there was a major dig on the plateau. It was the late 1920's and he got a job at the dig helping bring the workers water. He had heard legends of evil demons who held the power to bring the dead back to life. The most ineresting thing he told me about was a device that he said the demons had that was the door to heaven. The old man next to him said that it wasn't a door to heaven but a gate to the stars. They continued to bicker about what the device was used for. Finally the man got back to his story. He told me that he believed they uncovered the device. As it was lifted out of the earth every worker stopped and starred in wonder. It was a large circular object. He said that he never saw it after that day, that no one ever spoke of it again. Some of the worker's formen he said were paid to keep quiet. His companion said he heard that it was taken to the U.S.. Well anyway they went on dissing us Americans as I tried to drill his friend. I coulnd't get anything out of it.

This device, if I could find it it may answer the most sought after questions about civilization. I had talked with the man earlier that day and was pondering what to do while having my daily tea. When out of now where comes Dr. Jackson. I thought perhaps someone had sliped a little somthing in my drink at first. He looked at me, walked over and sat down across from me without a word. And there I sat dirty, sand in every possible place, hair in a messy pony tail and my luck pack on my lap (taking no chances).

"Athena long time no see, how's the uh Egyptology thing going?" I felt like jumping across the table and strangling him and crying all at the same time. So I settled for throwing my tea on him (iced tea...well cool anyway). He just sat there made his face and said what I'll never forget. It was the most bizzare, baffling statement. Point blank he said:

"I've solved the mystery Athena, all your questions can be answered now." I just starred at him. I felt like I had just eaten some psychedlic mushroom or something. Then he slid a rather think envelope across the table and said;

"The answers you wanted can be your if you want them. Here are some travel papers, tickets security pass." When I asked him what the hell was going on he simply answered with this;

"Your gate to the future is waiting in the U.S. so if you're intersted in having your questions answered get on the plain tomorrow and I'll see you in the states." Then he got up and left. I had been on the edge of my seat the whole time and finally leaned back again. But I thought 'what the hell' my life seemed pretty much over so I might as well at least go to the air port the next day and see if this was all real. Well...it was and here I am.

It feels strange now. I mean...what do you do when the question you devote your life to answering has been answered...what do you do with the rest of your life?? I suppose that's why I'm not taking this to seriously, I guess that's why I get along so well with Colonel O'Niel, we both have learned to take things lightly. I feel lonely sometimes but I manage to get through, I have Daniel to talk to and I've met a lot of off worlders who are quite friendly. Many members of the SGC have proven to be trustworthy and friendly as well. Well with my feelings for the SGC I'm more and willing to "share" some information with you all.

I've had some comments about why I'm in SG-8, and not SG-2. Well it's like this. I am a doctor of Egyptology however I am also well versed in many other ancient civilizations. I speak many languages and can read many different ancient languages. This can help break through to different people on different planets. Whether it's coming up with a translation for what they're saying or just helping SG-8 act politicaly correct, my job in this SG team is much more important then you may think.
Athena's Experience
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