Auction Photos
Group Check out auction table
Colin takes charge
Corin reading somthing
Colin's nipples are calling  your name.
Colin being naughty!
JR, Corin and Sarah Douglas
Hathor lives!
Checking out the secret document!
Make a Wish mom
JR working, Alexis and Amanda reading
Has Cronos returned?
Corin getting in on the action
Colin looks confused...
Checking out Michael's directing chair
Amanda and JR being their wierd selves
Alexis, Amanda and Jay survey the auction items
Alexis in vest
Alexis holder Sha're doll
Alexis & Colin with Frida vamping it up
Alexis, JR and Amanda check out quilt
Amanda shows off her commanding officer
Amanda and Serpant staff head
Colin just what are you doing to Frida?
Corin takin' it off for charity!
Frida tries to help sell the luck
Jay takes his shirt off for charity
Alexis and Colin with quilt
Amanda modeling RDA's desert fatigue jacket
Last bid of the night, Amanda and JR show it off
Jay pondering how far he'll go for charity
manda and her commanding officer
Cathy the volunteer gets into the bidding with help from Amanda
Amanda and (K?)Cathy driving up those bids!
Here are the pictures that aren't very good quality-they're still cool long as you can tell what you're looking at...
Here are by far my favorite photos of the Charity Auction.  Most of them are great quality, some are iffy but you can still tell what they are.
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