2. Does a great Captain Kirk impression.
7. A very wise man both on and off the show...and he came to the con much later then we all expected.
8. He wears pantyhose while horseback riding.
10. A trip with him and his friends to Disneyland might be a real trip...
11. He out ran security in his mad dash to the men's room.
12. His character is no longer single!
13. Once mistaken for Gillian Anderson.
1. Played someone's "fasha" on SG-1.
3. "Yummy Yummy, Nummy, Nummy" bet you'd love to see HIS tummy!
4. Seems like her house was built by Papa Smurf on crack.
5. He was an obviously nervous Gatecon virgin, though managed to get "lei-ed" with the first five minutes.
6. A prior role for her let her act with a very "super" man.
7. She has actually read some fan fiction with her character in it...some very naughty fan fiction too!
9. She talked about her twiggy costume experience during her panel.
Gatecon Cross Word
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