Pictures from Sekh's Party & the panels
View of inside of Mavericks
Vancouver Firemen
The shirt Martouf died in!
JR Signing his hat!
JR and Wormhole Extreme shirt
JR rambling
JR listening intensely
Slida with JR reading some hat
JR seems confused...
Sekh and JR
JR and Quilt
JR smiling
Slida and JR
Alexis and Peter
Alexis, Colin and JR
Colin and Amanda
Autograph Session
Alexis Signing at auto session
Don S. Davis Signing at auto session
Don signing in lobby
JR Signing at auto session
Teryl signing at auto session
Teryl signing and chatting again
Sekh's Party: Close Encouter for the Third Time
All the pictures up from Sekh's party are pretty good quality.  Except perhaps for the Wormhole Extreme one.
Panel Photographs
(All pretty poor quality-due to my *cough* seating arrangment.)
Bad pic of Colin's panel
YEAH!  Colin visits the cheap seats!
Colin, Amanda and JR entertaining themselves
Bad pic or Corin's panel
Frida won't take JR's crap (another bad pic sorry)
Jay telling one of his great stories in his panel
Tony and Suanne's panel
Colin at impromtu auto session
Peter and Colin at impromptu auto session
Alexis and I
Colin, me and Frida...I hate photos with me in them!
Frida and I-at least Frida looks good...
Don signing in lobby
These are probably my favorite and some of the best quality photos I have from Gatecon.  Also some of the best memories came from the events these pictures were taken of.
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