3. Greek sun god.
4. Roman god of love and the son of the love goddess Venus.
6. Daughter of Cassiope and Cepheus, King of the Ethiopians.
7. Roman equivalent of Hera, wife of Zeus.
10. Roman goddess of wisdom and the arts.
13. Greek god of the sea.
14. Ancient Italian water god.
16. The supreme diety in Greek mythology.
1. Daughter of Zeus, Greek goddess of war and crafts.
2. Greek goddess of love, beauty and fertility.
5. Greek goddess of vegitation and fruitfulness, daughter of Cronos and Rhea.
6. Son of Zeus and the Titaness Leto and the twin brother of the goddess Artemis
8. Greek god of the underworld.
9. Roman sky god.
11. Greek love goddess.
12. Roman smith god, equivalent of the Greek Hephaistas.
15. Roman messanger god, also watched over trade and commerce.
Greek and Roman Gods Crossword
Okay I admit this is a bit much to ask for from some people.  Being a fan of the show isn't all the info you need to get these right.  Thus I've made up a word bank.  All the Gods and Goddesses are here, no less no more then those you need. (Also in alphebetical order.)  Have fun!
Andromeda           Aphrodite
Apollo                  Athena
Cupid                   Demeter
Hades                   Helios
Juno                     Jupiter
Mercury                Minerva
Neptune                Poseidon
Venus                   Vulcan
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