How Athena views...

...a few members of the SGC:


"My first impression was a stange one. He didn't strike me as a Colonel. He just isn't as uptight and clean cut as I pictured a member of the airforce to be. But I do think he's a nice guy. And just because he doesn't take everything as seriously as say...a Tok'ra, I'd still trust him with my life. He's passionate about protecting his friends (which seem to be his family as well) especially since his son past on."



"Well what can I say? I had met him long before the SGC, but briefly. We discussed our theories on the pyramids and thus parted. I admired him, he knew what he believed in and didn't let anyone tell him different. Unfortunately his grants ran out and he had no where to go. That's when he seemed to dissapear and I tried my best to continue his work. Turns out he got what he wanted, the answers to all his questions...and a whole lot more. Anyway he's a great guy, much different then he used to be. I definately consider him a friend a good one."



"Well I must say that my first impression was that she was a know-it-all tom-boy daddies little girl. *Laughs* I can't say I have been given a different impression now. She is more then that though, she does have sort of a natural niceness about her. She doesn't tell you you're stupid to your face but sometimes she might as well. She'll contradict you if she thinks or "knows" you're wrong and doesn't feel a need to apologize very often. But she does it in a way that keeps me from wanting to cause physical harm...so I guess she'll do." *chuckles*



"He is a peculiar man..I mean Jaffa. It's strange to think that someone who once swore his life and allegance to Apophis is now a memeber of the SG-1. Don't get me wrong he seems tlike a great guy, but let's face it he's also a threat. His mate (whom I'm led to believe also took in her Goa'ild symbiote around the same time) has now died by the hands of the now mature Goa'uld symbiote she once carried. Can you say Tanith? Well now we have a Jaffa walking arounf the SGC like home when he is basically a walking time bomb ticking away. The major problem is that there is no timer. I just feel that more precautions should be taken with him."



"I don't know that there's much to say about Hammond. He does seem more lenient then I pictured a General of the USAF to be. I think his motto, like FDR, should be; 'Walk softly and carry a big stick.'. Mainly because he can be quite the stickler on some occasions. He also seems to be sick of the Tok'ra taking advantage of us as am I. He does know however when to say 'uncle' and ask fro their help. I guess that is what I like about him; unlike many other Tau'ri he doesn't let his pride get in the way of the safety of his people."



"I really like Janet. She's a great person. She tells you what you need to know without making even the worst thing seem impossible to aid. Also a very smart women it frustrates me to see the Tok'ra not take advantage of that. She is fully able to learn about the technology they use on us. They don't seem to understand that in order to gaurantee our safety Dr. Fraiser must understand what they are using and how it will effect us. And our health is her responsibility."

...some non-SGC personnel:


A very good, sincere person. A breathe of fresh air from other civilizations and people we have met. His hosting on the Goa'uld Klor'el has only strenghtened his courage and made him into a wise man.



I list her name as such becuase I never truely met Sha're, only Amaunet. Daniel loved her very much that I can see. Her loss was a great one. May she finally rest in peace.



The leader of the Abydonians and father to Skaa'ra and Sha're. A wise man who over the past few years had learnt much of the world outside Abydos. I have met him and heard stories of when Ra was overthrown. These stories and his character prove him to be a great leader.



In general they are our wisest ally against the Goa'uld. (Seeing as though the Asgard have remained nuetral on the subject.) As smart as they are they are still ignorant when it comes to the Tau'ri. Or to generalize they do not understand how to treat an ally who is not as advanced as they. The human pride and emotions that we wheld seem as alien to them as Goa'uld technology to us. Also as us to the technology they do not know how to treat or use it without it going out of control.



"Personally I believe that Martouf was the kindest Tok'ra. He just seemed more human when he talked about his feelings for Rosha. When I was feeling overwhelmed when I first arrived he told me about Rosha and some of his adventures. They just made me more nervous about going through the Stargate for the first time, but I admire him for trying to make me feel better. Even Lantesh was...what's the word...understanding I suppose, his understanding of us led him to act less as our superior. Though the symbiote did have his moments. He was our greatest ally and Tok'ra supporter. He was also a good friend. His death was a great loss."



"Freya is a kind hearted woman who wants only the best for the Tok'ra nd Tau're alliance. Anise also tries to act like she want the same. However this symbiote of "noble strength" is not as kind hearted. It cnstantly underminds General Hammond and Dr. Faiser and treast the members of the SGC more like lab rats then trust worthy allies."



Jacob, Major Carter's father, is definately the most understanding and kind hearted of the Tok'ra. If only because he is also Tau'ri. Selmek is also kind, and because of Jacob's knowledge and influence, understanding. Now that Martouf / Lantesh is no longer with us Jacob is our strongest Tok'ra supporter.



"I myself have yet to meet any of them, so my knowledge of them is small. From what I have heard they are ar advanced, beyond that of the Tok'ra and Goa'uld even. Yet they do not help us fight the battle because they have their own to fight. They also feel that our race is not yet technologically advanced enough to ally with them. Though us helping them defeat the Replicators has I'm sure put us higher in their 'buddy list'."



"I met one when he (Narim) came through the Stargate to ask SG-1 to participate in "Triad". The strangest thing was that he walked right through the iris! They too are more technologically advanced then the Goa'uld. They blew away Goa'uld mother ships in orbit around Tollana without batting an eyelash. His reaction to violence was almost childlike however. It is a pity they from apon it so, otherwise the Goa'uld would be gone before you could say Amun-Ra!"
Athena's Experience
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